The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Do Now Create a VENN Diagram or DOUBLE BUBBLE Thinking Map. Compare/Contrast TRANSVERSE waves and COMPRESSIONAL waves. Class Activity: Create a T-Chart on the Board comparing/contrasting the two.
Quick Review There are two kinds of waves that exist in nature: compressional waves and transverse waves Both waves start with a vibration!
These are your SLINKY waves! Quick Review Compressional Waves NEED a medium in order to transfer energy Sound cannot travel through a vacuum Slower than transverse waves Example: Sound waves These are your SLINKY waves!
Quick Review Transverse Waves Can transfer energy in a vacuum – DO NOT need a medium Example: Light waves
Based on what you know, which type of wave do you think is responsible for carrying the sun’s energy to the earth?
The sun’s energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves The sun’s energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. These are TRANSVERSE waves. Remember, TRANSVERSE waves carry LIGHT and CAN travel through a vacuum (like outer space!) This energy is called RADIATION. Think of the word “RAY” to remind you. The sun’s RAYS are what cause your skin to feel warm when you are outside.
Transverse Waves that carry radiation or energy are called electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic Spectrum BIG WORD Simple Meaning
The Electromagnetic Spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum is the full range of wavelengths (frequencies) of light. It is used by scientists to classify different types of electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic Spectrum & Wavelength The longer the wavelength (lower frequency) corresponds to less energy The shorter the wavelength (higher frequency) means more energy LONG WAVELENGTH = LESS ENERGY SHORT WAVELENGTH = MORE ENERGY
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic radiation is classified according to wavelengths and frequencies. Humans can ONLY SEE one small part of the spectrum – visible light.
Visible Light
Visible Light – A Quick Movie
Write down 5 observations using the image below.
Share Observations.
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The spectrum is broken into 7 Sections The spectrum is broken into 7 Sections. Radio, Microwave, Infrared (in-fra-red), Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma Ray Let’s take a tour of the spectrum: