Ancient Rome
Where is Rome?
Let’s get our bearings… Label the following locations: – Mediterranean Sea – Europe – Africa – the Atlantic Ocean – the Nile River – Sinai Peninsula
Check your work Europe Africa Atlantic Ocean Nile River Sinai Peninsula Med. Sea
Where is Rome??? Europe Africa Atlantic Ocean Nile River Sinai Peninsula Med. Sea
In Italy… Europe Africa Atlantic Ocean Nile River Sinai Peninsula Med. Sea Rome
Italy: The Setting
How big WAS the Roman Empire? On your outline map, shade in all of the areas you think were under the control of the Roman Empire at its height in 114 C.E.
Roman Empire at its Height
What is Rome’s Legacy? On the back of the map… brainstorm everything you know about, associate with, or have heard of regarding Rome, the Romans, the Roman Empire, etc…
Rome’s Legacy in Popular Culture “All roads lead to Rome” “When in Rome…” “Rome wasn’t built in a day” Veni, Vidi, Vici! ~ “I came, I saw, I conquered” Movies: Roman Holiday, Spartacus, Gladiator, HBO’s Rome Toga parties
Ancient Rome’s Legacy…
The Coliseum – Rome
The Pantheon - Rome
The Forum - Rome
Trier Arches
Nice Nice, France
Caesaria, Israel
Amman Amman, Jordan
Tunisia Rhodes, Greece
Hadrian’s Wall Hadrian’s Wall, United Kingdom