PTI Intramurals “IM Basketball Rules”
The Game 5 vs. 5 Minimum 4 players on the court to start NFHS rules will govern play Exceptions: NCAA F/T rules Two 15-minute halves Running clock except last minute of 2nd half Clock will then stop on each whistle No shot clock One 30-second timeout per half Overtimes Three minutes Timing procedures will be the same as 2nd half
The Game Pregame No headgear and no jewelry PTI IDs are required and are collected prior to all IM contests. Dunking is not permitted during pregame or halftime. Technical foul No headgear and no jewelry Elastic headbands are permitted Jewelry, etc. may be permitted for religious or medical reasons with staff approval
Game Specifics Free throws Space below the block is not occupied First available space is above the block Players must promptly line up for free throws Must have 2 defensive players in those two spaces Alternating Possession arrow will be used Closely guarded 5-second count will be in effect when an offensive player is closely guarded (defender within 6 feet) in the frontcourt when he/she is dribbling or holding the ball Possible for one offensive player to be closely guarded for up to 12 seconds
Game Specifics Substitutions Must wait at the scorer’s table for the first dead ball to be beckoned into the game by officials Eligibility Player may only compete with one team Eligible players may be added at any time prior to the first playoff game
When do we play?? Thursday nights, 7-9pm March 6, 13, 20, 27 April 3 South Fayette Intermediate School 3700 Old Oakdale Road, McDonald, PA March 6, 13, 20, 27 April 3 No student transportation available Schedule will be posted by next Monday