Welcome to GT Chemistry
Text Our text is Modern Chemistry by Holt Books have been distributed and I have asked students to leave their textbooks at home
Major Topics Atomic Structure Bonding Reactions Stoichiometry Gases Acids/Bases Equilibrium Kinetics Solutions Organic
Homework I will give written homework several times per week I may grade every problem or I may only select a few from the assignment. Homework should take approx min. Students should take time to review notes and work sheets if there is no written homework
Math Content Chemistry is a math based subject More than half of our class periods will involve some type of math calculation Solid algebra skills are required for this class (algebra II GT or higher course) Students should bring a calculator every day (I have basic function calculators if the students don’t bring one to class)
Quizzes Generally, quizzes are announced ahead of time Studying for quizzes keeps students from “crash” studying the night before an exam Tests are always announced in advance.
Grading 50% - Tests, Quizzes, Other Assessments 25% - Labwork (lab write-ups) 15% - Classwork/Homework 10% - Projects (including STEM fair which is a mandatory project)
Aspen Parent Portal The HCPSS grading application is called Aspen. Student grades are available through Aspen. Please set up an account on Aspen and encourage your student to set up an account too.
Lab Work We will work in lab numerous times during each semester. Students must wear goggles, and close toed shoes, in lab at all times. Your student’s safety is my first priority when we work in lab.
STEM Fair There is a mandatory STEM fair project in GT chemistry. Students received the STEM fair booklet and Topic Proposal form last week. First STEM due date: Mon., Sept. 10 Item Due: Topic Proposal form (this form requires a parent signature) Students should begin work as soon as I have approved his/her topic.
STEM Booklet
Proposal Form
STEM Notebook Each student needs a bound, STEM notebook. This notebook is only for the STEM project.
Classroom Expectations PRIDE PACT: Every class has created a PRIDE Pact outlining the agreed classroom expectations and behaviors. Students and teachers have signed the PRIDE Pact to signify ownership in our classroom community.
If Your Student Needs Help Encourage students to ask questions in class. Call me over during class to look at work. I am available before, and after, school several days per week. Students should see me to make an appointment and come prepared with questions or specific homework or classwork problems I do not hold review sessions before exams. I will give the students a list of the exam topics. They need to use their notes, and classwork, to study for the exam.
Please let me know if: Your student has a condition/situation that keeps him/her from learning. You have a family member (or friend) serving overseas. You have a family member with an illness. There is something more that you would like me to know about your student.
Science For Next Year Before registration for next year, I will send home a recommendation for your child’s science class placement for the school year I will discuss requirements for AP science courses, physics and elective courses with the students before the scheduling period begins.
Science Options Physics, GT Physics and AP Physics (Mechanics) AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science Marine Science Anatomy and Physiology Forensics
If You Need To Contact Me My address is: (please type your student’s name on the subject line) My website is: My webpage is also attached to the Howard H.S. website.