Wisconsin Covenant School Year The student confirmation process
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars Grant Based on student’s Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the FAFSA (Financial Aid Form) Eligible for $250-$2,500 / yr. for four years
Confirmation Process Students complete confirmation forms to verify they met the pledge requirements to receive the Wisconsin Covenant Scholars Grant
Graduate from a Wisconsin high school. Maintain at least a B average while in high school. The student has a career cumulative GPA of 2.85 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher. The student earned a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher for at least 5 semesters and never earned less than a 2.0 in any semester. The student earned a GPA of 3.25 (on a 4.0 scale) during senior year and has shown consistent improvement since the beginning of high school.
Take coursework to prepare for higher education and meet college entrance requirements. Demonstrate citizenship and complete 30 service hours that supported your community. The student was involved in extra curricular activities that contain an element of community service. The student designed his/her own service learning experience and shared results and reflections with teachers and peers.
Admitted to a University of Wisconsin system institution, a Wisconsin Technical College, and/or a Wisconsin private college or university. Apply for state and federal aid by March 30 th.
Additional records to include: If a student was suspended (in or out of school): Two letters of recommendation by members of their community or school.
Send forms to: Higher Educational Aids Board Wisconsin Covenant P.O. Box 7885 Madison, WI
Overview of Confirmation Dates Nov: Lists of Wisconsin Covenant students will be provided to school contacts Dec: Confirmation form available online and will be mailed to seniors Dec. 17: PHS Financial Aid Night 7:00 Jan. 1: Confirmation process begins/FAFSA Mar. 30: Confirmation ends/FAFSA deadline
Questions??? Contact: Garth Beyer, HEAB Grant Specialist wisconsincovenant.wi.gov