California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools Educating for Democracy Preparing Students to Become Engaged Citizens: The Civic Mission of Schools.


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Presentation transcript:

California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools Educating for Democracy Preparing Students to Become Engaged Citizens: The Civic Mission of Schools (date of presentation) (Name of Presenter) (Presenter’s Organization)

Goals of this Presentation Introduce the national and statewide efforts to develop engaged citizens. Summarize key research. Provide resources and examples of what schools and school boards can do to strengthen civic education.

In 2001 a report was released by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Center for Information and Research on Civics and Civic Engagement (CIRCLE). This report, The Civic Mission of Schools, represents years of research on how we, as a nation, educate for democracy.

CMS Goals of Civic Education We must prepare all of America’s young people to be competent and responsible citizens. Citizens who: are informed and thoughtful and have a knowledge of history and how American democracy works. participate in their communities and work with others to address cultural, social, and political issues. act politically by having the skills, knowledge and commitment to accomplish public purposes. are socially responsible, tolerant, and believe in the capacity to make a difference.

Six Promising Approaches for Civic Education 1. Formal instruction in history, civics, and law… Research reminds us that this instruction must be engaging and motivating for students. Professional development for teachers in the subject matter is important, too.

2. Discussion of current local, national, and international issues and events. Teachers need to create learning environments conducive to open discussion. Students should be provided with materials and background that promotes varied and balanced perspectives on issues they will discuss.

3. Service Learning linked to the curriculum. 8 th graders are treated to a Constitution Fair put on by a high school government class as its culminating service project. For example, cross-age teaching. 5 th graders get a U.S. History lesson from 8 th Graders

4. Extra-curricular activities that provide opportunities for students to get involved in their schools and communities, apply academic and civic skills, and develop positive civic dispositions. Student leadership groups meet to address issues they care about.

5. Student voice – opportunities to practice decision-making skills, develop appropriate communication/presentation skills, and practice engaged citizenship. Students participate in dialogue and discussion about important school issues.

6. Simulations and other interactive strategies that model democratic processes. Students participate in mock legislative hearings through the We The People program. Elementary students participate in the trial of “A. Wolf” and older students take part in the California Mock Trial program.

California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools A statewide initiative organized by Constitutional Rights Foundation in collaboration with the Center for Civic Education Educating for Democracy

The Campaign is working with Legislators Superintendents School Boards Education organizations Community & parent organizations. The Campaign involves working in several areas: Policy Research Public Outreach Demonstration Schools

The California Survey of Civic Education Sample: 2,366 Students – Surveyed in spring of their senior year, wide range of race, ethnicity, achievement levels, socioeconomic status, rural, urban, suburban Purpose: Understanding of California students’ civic knowledge, skills, dispositions and opportunities

Findings: Knowledge Many Students Lack Basic Civic Knowledge 50% could not identify the correct function of the Supreme Court 33% could not identify either of California’s U.S. Senators from among a list of options Adults 38% of adults could name the three branches of government 59% could name the three Stooges

Students intend to vote, but… High School Seniors Level of Trust is Very Low. 33% agreed that “I trust the people in Gov’t to do what is right for the country” 28% agreed that “people in government care what people like me and my family need.”

Different interventions impact the development of civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Providing varied and numerous opportunities matters. We need to ensure civic education opportunities for all students.

We are working with ten school districts around the state that have designated one lead high school to pilot a process of enhancing civic education Larry Smith, on behalf of Montebello Unified School District, receives a plaque from Jack O’Connell and Dave Gordon. Districts: Bakersfield, Elk Grove, Eureka, LA, Montello, Pleasanton, Sacramento, San Mateo, Shasta, West Contra Costa

Law-Related Education Mock Elections Teaching American History Grants Mock Trials We the People Project Citizen Civic related Academies/Small Learning Communities History Day in California Civic focused Service-Learning in American Gov/Econ classes Civic focused senior projects Examples of Programs and Initiatives that Support Quality Civic Education

California Campaign for the Civic Mission of School Resources Available On-Line Local and state resolutions and civic education policies Lesson Plans and Curriculum Resources Educating for Democracy Awards and Recognition Program co-sponsored by: California Department of Education, the California School Boards Association, the California County Superintendents Education Services Association, the Association of California School Administrators, the California Council for the Social Studies, the California Teachers Association (invited), California Federation of Teachers, and the State PTA.