Spanish II Sra. Bachman Spring 2011
Semester II Goals: We will continue our study of the preterite, as well as learn the imperfect, future, and command forms. You will be able to discuss your daily routine, tell a story in Spanish using the past tense, say what you are going to do in the future, give and receive directions, read a recipe in Spanish, and discuss clothing fashions and preferences Units of study: 2.2, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5 Countries of study: Spain, Argentina, Puerto Rico Students are expected to use Spanish in class on a daily basis. We will begin to use the Rosetta Stone program to enhance our listening and vocabulary skills.
Classroom expectations: Throw gum and candy away as you enter the room. Be in your seat and ready to learn before the bell rings. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment. Ask for permission to leave your seat. Show RESPECT to students, teachers, and materials.
Required materials: COVERED textbook -workbook -writing utensil (pencil) -student planner -Spanish notebook and folder – your textbook is not a folder!!! Please do not keep more than three sheets of paper in your textbook at a time.
Absences: If you are absent for any reason it is YOUR responsibility to obtain any assignments or notes. If you know you are going to be absent, please notify me ahead of time to receive your work. I expect all work for a planned absence to be turned in to me before you leave. If you are sick, you will receive two days for each of the first two days absent to makeup work once you return according to page 14 of the Parent/Student Handbook.
Tardiness: Each student will be allowed 1 “free” tardy per semester. Each subsequent tardy will earn a detention to be served after school on Tuesday or Thursday.
Grading: (15%) Homework: HOMEWORK IS ASSIGNED MONDAY – THURSDAY and is due at the beginning of the class period. INCOMPLETE OR LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED ONLY ONE DAY late for half credit. Students who consistently have late work will be expected to come in during tutoring time. After 3 incomplete assignments- zero credit will be issued.
(50%) Tests and Oral Evaluations: At the end of each unit the students will have a formal evaluation which may be in the form of a test, writing assignment, or other project. Class review will take place before each test. Home review and preparation is expected as well. If students fail a test they may retake it for up to a 70%. Oral Evaluations: Students will be evaluated on their ability to speak Spanish. Paired dialogues, asking and answering questions, oral test, presentations, and interviews will be some of the methods used to evaluate students’ progress and command of the spoken language.
(20%) Preparedness and Participation: Students are expected to bring all materials to class and participate in daily class activities such as oral readings, listening activities, role playing, and the daily warm-up. Students will ask and answer questions, work cooperatively, use the target language, and be active participants in class each day.
(15%) Quizzes: Announced quizzes will be given weekly. Students will also be evaluated on their writing, listening, speaking, and reading skills.
Course Requirements for Spanish II appear in the Course Offering Handbook: Students must pass first semester with a grade of C- or higher to continue to second semester. Students must pass second semester with a C or higher to continue on to level III.
Mandatory Tutoring You will be required to come in for mandatory tutoring if you are incomplete or failing. You may be asked to come in if you consistently have late/incomplete work, need to retake a test, or if your grade falls below a C-. Remember, this is not a punishment, but an intervention in place to help you be successful.
Resources -Textbook website: - online practice and -Weekly lesson plans: check the wiki page -Señora Bachman: Please do not hesitate to ask for help! I am available before and after school and during 3 rd hour. You may also stop in 9 th hour with a pre- signed pass every day except Wednesdays and