Sexton High School Mrs. Rubio and Ms. Wallace 10 th grade Honors US History
Demographics of School White Enrollment (%): 18.4% – State average from 3483 schools: 70.4% Black Enrollment (%): 66.8% – State average from 3483 schools: 20.2% Hispanic Enrollment (%): 8.3% – State average from 3483 schools: 4.9% Asian Enrollment (%): 5.6% – State average from 3483 schools: 2.1% American Indian Enrollment (%): 0.9% – State average from 3483 schools: 1.2% Refugee Population ESL Students
Demographics from Class White- 10 Hispanic- 5 African American- 13 Asian- 4 Total: 32
Lesson Objective Students will gain an understanding of the impact of several female reformers of the Progressive Era. Students will be able to discern important information about a single reformer and present to the class.
Lesson Plan o o We evaluated students based on the quality of their notes and presentations. Forms of assessment (Instructional Strategies, 35). – Diagnostic in initial questioning and hook. – Formative assessment occurred during preparation for group presentations. – The presentation at the end was a summative assignment. Individual Lesson Plans on our Group Page
Observation Not everyone took notes Everyone spoke during their groups presentation Presentations were rushed Time Management- Flew By Some students were more willing to participate while others refrained from discussion.
Surprising Observations Random facts kids held onto and felt were important Every student spoke (with a few exceptions) Things didn’t go as plan-adapting on the go Importance of the hook-Setup the whole lesson Behavior of the students- Surprisingly Good and Enthusiastic
Student Outcomes Students gained a better understanding of a single reformer but we felt if more time had been available, a deeper understanding of all six reformers and reform would have been accomplished. Students needed more direction.
How Students Learned Students learn better when information is relatable to their life. Role play allowed students to be actively involved in the lesson. Requiring all students to speak during their presentation allowed for students to learn proper presentation techniques, improve public speaking skills, and gave all students a chance to participate.
How Students Learned Cont’d. Informing students of expectations before the lesson allowed students to better prepare and focus. Students tend to get stuck on trivial information as opposed to major concepts. Students do not want to figure out the information themselves, they want to be spoon fed the facts.
What We Learned/Take-Aways TIME Less is more. Is it better to over-plan or under-plan? Things never go as planned – Prepare for the unexpected – Be willing to adapt Writing a lesson plan is time consuming but easier than expected
Revisions Better time management skills needed We would have students take notes on all reformers with some form of exit slip. We would work closer with our mentor teacher and finalize the time, expectations, materials, and form of assessment. We would like to make this a two-day lesson. Knowing students better would have allowed groups to be formed according to skill level and personality.