Hanukkah Holiday Presenter: Abeer Hawashla
Hanukkah is a Jewish festival which begins on the Hebrew date of the 25th of Kislev and lasts eight days, through the 2nd of Tevet.
In this holiday Jews light candles in a special candleholder called a "menorah" or a "hanukkiah". Each night, one more candle is added.
The middle candle, called the "Shamash", is used to light each of the other candles and it is lit every night.
latkes Many traditional Hanukkah foods are cooked in oil, in remembrance of the oil that burned in temple. Latkes (doughnuts) or potato pancakes are a favorite food at Hanukkah.
Dreidel The dreidel is associated with Hanukkah. It is a four-sided spinning top. Each side is engraved with different Hebrew letter: the letter mean Nes Gadol Haya Sham-” A great miracle happened there”.
Answer the following questions: 1.Hanukkah is holiday. a. Muslim. b. Jewish. c. Christian.
2.The middle candle, called the a. Menorah. b.Hanukkiah. c.Shamash.
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