Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo Pictures for Literacy Activities Activities and materials created by Jessie Moreau, Gwinnett County Public Schools GPS STANDARDS/ELEMENTS ELA 6 R1 (L)e – Identifies and analyzes the elements of setting, characterization, plot and the resolution of conflict of a story or play… ELA 6 LSV1c – Responds to questions with appropriate information. ELA 7 R1(L)e – Identifies events that advance the plot and determines how each event explains past or present action(s) or foreshadows future actions ELA 7 LSV1c – Responds to questions with appropriate information. ELA 8 R1(L)f – Evaluates the structural elements of the plot, the plot’s development, and the way in which conflicts are (or are not) addressed and resolved. ELA 8 LSV1c – Responds to questions with appropriate information. Directions: 1.Print 1 or 2 copies of each slide, cut out pictures then laminate. Add textures to pictures for student who require tactile access. 2.Use pictures when reading or using the adapted PowerPoint version of Because of Winn Dixie. 3.Students can work on matching, identification, or sequencing various subplots of the story using the pictures. A storyboard covered in soft Velcro® fabric works great for these types of activities. 4.Program the repeated line, “Winn Dixie, my best friend.” into students’ AAC devices so they can actively participate in the story. Velcro the appropriate symbol to the top of single location AAC devices. 5.Use the TechTalk overlay for character identification/matching, sequencing, answering questions, etc. The pictures can be cut out and velcroed onto any device using multiple messages. 6.Skills that can be worked on within this story: matching, sequencing, grasp & release, eye gaze, choice making, activating AAC device/switches, vocabulary, picture/word identification
Internet Video Clips from “Because of Winn Dixie” Movie Intro to Winn Dixie: Nine Things List: Plan a Party: Halleluiah! (Guitar singing when Winn Dixie is found)
List of 10 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 6.____________________________ 7.____________________________ 8.____________________________ 9.____________________________ 10.____________________________
Opal Winn Dixie
Grocery store Manager
Produce aisle potato tomato
Bath time Dad / Preacher
Mom left home Naomi, Florida
Otis mice
Animal cage rabbit
Pet Shop Pouring rain
Gloria Dump Sandwich
party Flower garden
Egg Salad Dump Punch
Trailer home Hide under chair
Winn Dixie, my best friend Winn Dixie, my best friend Winn Dixie, my best friend Winn Dixie, my best friend Winn Dixie, my best friend Winn Dixie, my best friend