STATE GEODETIC ADMINISTRATION Gruska 20 / HR Zagreb Development of Croatian and regional SDI Sanja Zekusic Croatia II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries “Systems of the State Registration of Rights and Cadastre: Creation, Development and Perfection”
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, The Role of National Mapping & Cadastre Authorities in NSDI Establishment NMCA main producer of spatial data main initiator of SDI development collect and manage spatial information distribute spatial information and knowledge how to use it to the whole society awareness raising sharing of best practices education coordination body
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community INSPIRE Directive ( 2007/2/EC) - subject of the accession treaty National Program for EU Accession (2009) – obligation for transposition of INSPIRE till joining EU Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre (02/2007) – first regulation on NSDI in Croatia Draft NSDI Law in 2011 – full transposition of INSPIRE
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, State Geodetic Administration – SGA Croatian NMCA 1100 employees
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Activities on NSDI establishment: how we have started Standards & Data Legislation Infrastructure (geoportal) Cooperation - networking Workshops /Education NSDI
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, NSDI studies BloomInfo (2001): Review of EU requirements for Geographic Information Infrastructure in Croatia -Final Report, SGA, 2001 (WB financed) Con Terra, (2005): Study on Development of NSDI in Croatia, SGA, 2005 (WB financed) Roadmap for NSDI establishment Geolink Consulting Ltd (2006): Croatia - NSDI and INSPIRE, SGA 2006 (GB financed) Publication on NSDI in Croatia – 2008 The intention was to familiarize the professional audiences directly involved in the National SDI development, at the national, regional, local or commercial level, about the National SDI basics as well as to inform the wider audience, i.e. the users
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Workshops & courses sharing of best practices - presentation of Swedish NSDI model - National Land Survey of Sweden and Swedish Ministry of Environment presentation of Canadian SDI model - Natural Resources Canada, GeoConnections Program, Canadian GeoProject Centre Courses on NSDI ( Management of NSDI, Legislation, Technical Issues, Financing, Strategy, Stakeholders, NSDI standards), SIDA and Lantmäteriet (Sweden) sharing of best practices from Germany, GTZ and LGN Niedersachsen Norwegian model of the SDI establishment, Statens Kartverk; CROatian-NOrwegian GeoInformation Project (CRONOGIP)
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Conferences Croatian NSDI and INSPIRE day: 2009, 2010, 2011 Scientific-professional-promotion conferences about the latest INSPIRE development as well as Croatian achievements in the National SDI field. within the frame of the annual cartographic conferences, where the SGA and the Croatian Cartographic Society, appear as holders of National SDI and INSPIRE education activities for all National SDI subject as well as for the wider society, in order to create a geo- enabled society in line with European policies.
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Present legislation Law on State Survey and Real Estate Cadastre (02/2007) Chapter on NSDI – 11 articles all in line with INSPIRE, but only partly transposed NSDI - definition and content Request & rules for SD sets and services National SDI bodies & responsabilities list of NSDI subjects Metadata: definition & content Spatial data list
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Three-level organisation structure Managerial bodies (tasks and rights) are defined Coordination, Technical support Polices, Decisions Proposals NSDI Council NSDI Committee SGA Working Groups political level managerial level operational level
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Transposition of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules Government NSDI Council NSDI Committee WG Technical Standards Proposal Final regulation Final proposal
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, NSDI Development – Working Groups WG on Technical Standards (2008) Implementing rules for Metadata (adopted in 2010) Implementing rules for network services Activities on development of national metadata profile & catalogue WG on Data Sharing (2008) Agreement on exchange, usage and access Rules for access to data and service and it’s re-usage WG E-Government (2009) Communication strategy between e-government and NSDI WG Capacity Building (2009) curriculum for SDI courses in high school and universities WG Business Models (2009) business models for establishing sustainable partnerships and business networks and particularly for operating common services like catalogues etc.
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Transposition of the INSPIRE Implementing Rules – plan for 2011 Adoption of Implementing rules for network services Agreement on data exchange, use and access (presently in public discussion) Business model missing (which has to be a part of the Agreement) Draft NSDI Law – full transposition of INSPIRE
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Development of SDI tools in SGA Cadastre web-browser Geoportal CROPOS Cadastre & Land Registry Joint Information System - JIS
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Lessons Learnt Establishment of NSDI is a very long process … But go step by step Learn from experiences Cooperate and be informed Listen to the users Show results!
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Regional Cooperation on SDI INSPIRATION – SDI in the SE Europe (Western Balkans) - Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Kosovo - FYR of Macedonia - Montenegro - Serbia - Croatia - Slovenia (EU member)
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Western Balkans - region of similarities and differences Differences: national, historical, political legislative framework different registration systems (integrated and dual) responsibilities and status inside administration relations with private sector Similarities (I): change of economic and social system heavy transition and devastation, new states booming real-estate market growing political stability, EU processes and reform activities in LA pushed by transition of economic system and grow of real-estate market
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Western Balkans - region of similarities and differences Similarities (II): LA registers more or less neglected in the past NMCAs focused on reorganization of institutions, human and ICT capacity building, digitalization, projects of resurveying implementation of well proven international concepts and solutions usage of additional funding sources beside the state budget (donations, WB, EU) fast, slightly shifted, development high expectation from the government and citizens lack of staff and capacities insufficient knowledge in some areas organizational problems
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, SDI in Western Balkan region Status: Recognized in region as important conceptual and operational question Follows general trend of GSDI and INSPIRE development basic NSDI legislation adopted in Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia – NMCA’s in charge of implementation pending legislation (BiH), Initiatives in other countries Challenges: lack of awareness, capacities, knowledge, data exchange culture
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Rebuilding of regional activities among NMCA’s Cooperation among NMCA’s reestablished 10 years ago and growing Phase 1: bilateral agreements on cooperation and exchange of data and service Annual meetings Exchange of border cartographic material GNSS permanent networks data exchange Phase 2: regional conferences and studies Phase 3: regional projects
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Phase 2: Regional Conference & Study on Cadastre and SDI Launched in 2008 1 st Conference on Cadastre Opatija 2008 Regional gathering for the first time as a new states Regional study on cadastre (bilingual) Conclusions – continuation of regional cooperation
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Regional Conference & Study on Cadastre and SDI 2 nd Conference in Macedonia - Ohrid 2009 Establishment of Permanent Technical Commission Readiness for cooperation in regional projects 3 rd Conference in Montenegro - Bečići 2010 Regional study on cadastre expanded on SDI New member Albania 4th Conference – Slovenia – Ohrid 2011
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Phase 3: Regional project INSPIRATION - Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Western Balkans Purpose: Promote SDI as a concept in order to prepare countries in the region for implementation of the INSPIRE Directive Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia Initiated by the SGA (coordination and supervision as lead partner at regional level) Start date: October 2011 Duration: 30 months
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, INSPIRATION Beneficiaries: NMCAs (8) as principal coordinators and focal points universities providing education in surveying, geodesy and geomatics as well as Ministries of Environment NSDI stakeholders, e.g. other governmental institutions, especially Ministries of Agriculture (LPIS), statistical offices, local authorities, geological and hydrographical surveys, private surveying, GIS and geomatics commercial sector, research organizations. Maximum budget: 1,5 mil EUR Financed : EU Multi-beneficiary IPA 2010 Status: Selection process
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Expected results Legislation regarding SDI framework prepared for implementation in each country More comprehensive and comparable information available within and between Beneficiaries on the status of LA and SDI to guide reform priorities, policy development, legislative improvements, as well as exchange of knowledge; More efficient institutional frameworks and technical arrangements established; Legislation regarding SDI framework reviewed for implementation in each Beneficiary;
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Expected results Improved capacity of NMCA’s officials and NSDI users in the field of SDI Information on the state of play and needs in terms of capacity and skills clarified and analysed for future improvement of training and education offer; Skills of recipient NMCA officials and NSDI users increased in analysis, interpretation and policy response on SDI, as well as implementation; Raised awareness among public and government in NSDI / INSPIRE
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Activities Activities will include studies and reports, capacity-building and training, conferences and forums, awareness-raising campaigns, etc. (SDI Legislation Framework Analysis; Regional SDI Establishment Recommendation Report; SDI Legislation Recommendation Reports; Regional Cadastral Studies; Regional SDI & LA Capacity and Education Study & Recommendation Report; Regional Public Awareness Study; Regional Conference regarding Capacity Building and Education in the fields of Surveying, Geomatics and SDI; Regional Cadastre Conferences; INSPIRE conferences & INSPIRE Forum; regional training sessions organized on INSPIRE, Regional Public Awareness Campaign …)
II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries September 28, Regional collaboration - conclusion Countries and NMCA’s in region are making a big steps forward regarding all aspects of spatial information SDI / INSPIRE recognized as a concept for future Regional approach recognized as a way for speeding up the implementation INSPIRATION and other projects tool for the implementation
STATE GEODETIC ADMINISTRATION Gruska 20 / HR Zagreb Thank you for the attention II annual Conference of the CIS and Baltic countries “Systems of the State Registration of Rights and Cadastre: Creation, Development and Perfection”