What do we know so far about the book of REVELATION? 1. Key verse – 1:19 - The book is in 2 parts – What is/What is to come. 2. Chapters 1- 6/ Chapters Not Chronological – Series of vignettes – 7 Seals, Trumpets, Bowls. 4. From Jesus – Given through an Angel. 5. To: His Servants/The 7 Churches. 6. Written by John, the Disciple, author of John, I,II,III John, Rev. 7. John on the Island of Patmos – Roman Prison Camp – because of faith. 8. ESSENTIAL to study in CONTEXT – Exegetically- O.T., Jesus, Paul. MESSAGE # 3 in our Series THREE GREAT “REVELATION” TRUTHS READ 1:1-8
THREE GREAT “REVELATION” TRUTHS TRUTH # 1 There is a “special blessing” attached to this book and the study of it! A. TO THOSE WHO “READ” IT – Important to be here – make a commitment! Read it at home! Make a practice and habit of the regular reading of any and all of God’s Word! B. TO THOSE WHO “HEAR” IT – You NOW! Bring OTHERS! My counseling challenge. C. TO THOSE WHO “TAKE IT TO HEART” Internalize it! Make it a part of Prayer life, Thought life, Witness!
THREE GREAT “REVELATION” TRUTHS TRUTH #2 THE TIME IS NEAR! Written 2000 years ago – hasn’t every generation thought this? Huge debate about the “imminent return” of Jesus! a. There is a BALANCE – each generation believed it, but each generation also knew of the Biblical things that had to happen first, and each generation thought they COULD happen in THEIR day! b. Each generation has understood more and more of the literalness of what they once considered symbolic. c. WE ARE THE ONLY GENERATION – to see almost every fulfillment necessary! NEXT WEEK!
THREE GREAT “REVELATION” TRUTHS TRUTH # 3 JESUS IS THE FAITHFUL WITNESS! OF WHAT? GOD’S WORD! prophecies! GOD’S PRESENCE! – God with us! He who is to come (verse 8). GOD’S LOVE! - An old rugged cross! GOD’S POWER! – An empty tomb! First Born from the dead! GOD’S PROMISE! - He IS coming again! - Every eye will see Him! HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE? HE CAME THE FIRST TIME DIDN’T HE? – UNDENIABLE! HE Said…coming again/ Angel said…coming again/ All gospel writers said…coming again/ Bible says…coming again! MARK IT DOWN…HE IS COMING AGAIN!
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Will you be…Rejoicing as he comes in Glory – Or…mourning…? Will you be…Caught up in the clouds to meet Him – Or…LEFT BEHIND?