The Shafia Trial Social Science Analysis Summative Exemplar
This assignment is designed to demonstrate your initial understanding of each of the 3 disciplines of social science – Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology.
Introduction of Shafia Case
In this assignment you will (success criteria): 1. Find a news article that identifies a recent crime in Canada. 2. Write a summary of the case. 3. Write 3 questions for each discipline: sociology, psychology, and anthropology with regards to how they would be interested in this case. Defend your questions with reasons as to why the questions fit in with that discipline.
Include the following in your analysis: Your summary must include at least 5 main points from the case (KU). Use specific facts from the case and explain how and why they fit into each of the disciplines (TI, A) Explain, using specific points from the discipline, how and why each discipline would view this case (A) Your work must be in proper sentence and paragraph form and it must be typed (C) Hand your work in on time and include your rubric. Source all information properly (C)
What are the steps to complete the assignment? Five Key Points (Summary) Three questions for each discipline Evidence to defend the questions with relation to the disciplines.
Shafia Trial A father, with the help of his son and wife, murdered his three daughters and former wife for dishonoring the family. Although some want to blame religion for the crime, the Muslim community is stressing to the community and its followers that this is a domestic abuse issue and that the faith does not support such behaviour. The girls remained silent despite the constant verbal and physical abuse they endured at home. Their silence eventually led to their death. Mediwake, Anne Marie. CBC News. “Mass Honour Killing in Canada.” 12/05/2011. 09/05/2012.
Questions Anthropologist Psychologist Sociologist Is there a cultural connection to honor killings? Is there a rise in honor killings amongst immigrants? Where in the world are honor killings most prevalent? Why did the father believe that it was his duty to carry out punishment for his daughter’s sins? How did his childhood affect his decision making? Are there elements of his personality that can be linked to a mental disorder? How will this crime affect the lives of other Muslim families in the area? Is the crime of honor killing specifically targeted at women? Why did the education/social system in Canada fail to help these young women?
Defense Anthropologists are concerned with humans therefore they would be most interested in the cultural aspects of this case. They would look at the cultural influence of the Muslim religion on Muslims in countries around the world; especially comparing those countries who follow the Muslim religion as the official religion of the country and those countries like Canada, who have no official religion. Psychologists are concerned with the human mind. They would be most interested in how Mr. Shafia’s mind is similar or different to that of a person who is deemed “normal” or incapable of such a horrific act. Psychologists would want to know what makes a person, specifically Mr.Shafia, act against societal standards of morality. Sociologists are concerned with human interactions. They would want to know if this is a crime that targets women because women are a major social group in every society. They also would want to look at the family interactions and inability of social institutions to prevent such a crime.
Social Science Analysis Newspaper Article Summative Your Turn. . . Social Science Analysis Newspaper Article Summative