Section 6: Registered Charity Information Return, T As a Registered Charity, you have the obligation of producing an annual declaration (federal and provincial) at the latest 6 months following the end of the fiscal year. If you do not produce this declaration, you will not be entitled to emit charitable donation receipts and are liable to a fine of 500$ in order to regain your charitable status. - Click here to open the T3010 Form from CRAClick here to open the T3010 Form from CRA
Squadrons that are registered charities may issue charitable receipts. The following is information that must be shown on any charitable donations receipts Must carry the mention "Official Receipt for Income Tax Purposes" Receipt must be numbered (sequential order) Name and address of the Squadron (As it is written in the record) Registry number (ex: RRxxxx ) Date of reception of the donation (day or year of reception of donation) Total amount received by the charitable organization The name and address of the donor Place and date where the receipt was delivered Authorized signature (Chair, Treasurer) Link to access the Site of the Canada Revenue Agency (
Receipt Books: forms/receipt-books/non-profit-receipts/p c htm /handwritten- forms/receipt-books/non-profit-receipts/p c htm
Record and Conservation Keeping – Fiscal Damaged receipts must be kept with their duplicate and bear the mention "CANCELLED" If a receipt must be replaced, the new receipt must bear the mention "REPLACED", followed by the serial number of the replacing receipt A copy (duplicate) of the receipts for tax purposes must be kept with the governmental reports (federal and provincial) The registries from the Squadron and the conviction pieces of the information that they contain must be kept in the eventuality of a verification.