Jeopardy $100 PostureNotesRestsSolfege Vowel Shaping $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
Posture - $100 Is posture position number 1 sitting or standing? Is posture position number 1 sitting or standing? Standing Standing
Posture - $200 Is Posture position number 2 sitting or standing? Is Posture position number 2 sitting or standing? Sitting Sitting
Posture - $300 In posture position 1 or 2, describe the width of your feet? In posture position 1 or 2, describe the width of your feet? Feet should be a shoulder width apart Feet should be a shoulder width apart
Posture - $400 In posture position 1 or 2, describe the position of your chest and shoulders. In posture position 1 or 2, describe the position of your chest and shoulders. Chest is lifted and your shoulders are back and down. Chest is lifted and your shoulders are back and down.
Posture - $500 What is the sternum? What is the sternum? The bone that connects your rib cage. The bone that connects your rib cage.
Notes - $100 How many beats does a quarter note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a quarter note looks like. How many beats does a quarter note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a quarter note looks like. 1, a filled in circle with a stem or stick on the right hand side 1, a filled in circle with a stem or stick on the right hand side
Notes - $200 How many beats does a half note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a half note looks like. How many beats does a half note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a half note looks like. 2, an open circle with a stick or stem on the right hand side 2, an open circle with a stick or stem on the right hand side
Notes - $300 How many beats does a whole note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a whole note looks like. How many beats does a whole note receive in 4/4 time? And describe what a whole note looks like. 4, a large open circle 4, a large open circle
Notes - $400 How many beats does a single eighth note receive in 4/4 time and what does it look like? How many beats does a single eighth note receive in 4/4 time and what does it look like? ½ beat, it is a filled in circle with a stick on the right hand side and a flag coming off of it. ½ beat, it is a filled in circle with a stick on the right hand side and a flag coming off of it.
Notes - $500 How many beats in an eighth note pair and describe what it looks like. How many beats in an eighth note pair and describe what it looks like. 1 beat, it looks like two circles with stems on the right hand side, connected with a line at the top. 1 beat, it looks like two circles with stems on the right hand side, connected with a line at the top.
Rests - $100 How many beats in a quarter rest and describe what it looks like. How many beats in a quarter rest and describe what it looks like. 1, and it looks like a squiggly line. 1, and it looks like a squiggly line.
Rests - $200 How many beats in a half rest and describe what it looks like. How many beats in a half rest and describe what it looks like. 2, and it looks like a hat – line on the bottom and a rectangle on top 2, and it looks like a hat – line on the bottom and a rectangle on top
Rests - $300 How many beats in a whole rest in 4/4 time and what does it look like? How many beats in a whole rest in 4/4 time and what does it look like? 4, it looks like a line with a rectangle on the bottom. 4, it looks like a line with a rectangle on the bottom.
Rests - $400 How many beats in an eighth rest in 4/4 time and what does it look like? How many beats in an eighth rest in 4/4 time and what does it look like? ½ beat, like a 7, but a ball at the leftmost part of it. ½ beat, like a 7, but a ball at the leftmost part of it.
Rests - $500 What purpose do rests serve in the music? What purpose do rests serve in the music? They fill the time not taken by notes with silence. They fill the time not taken by notes with silence.
Solfege - $100 Name the scale pitches of the solfege scale in order. Name the scale pitches of the solfege scale in order. Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do’ Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do’
Solfege - $200 In the Key of F, what pitch is Do? In the Key of F, what pitch is Do? F
Solfege - $300 In the Key of C, what pitch is Sol? In the Key of C, what pitch is Sol? G
Solfege - $400 In the Key of G, what solfege is F# In the Key of G, what solfege is F# Ti Ti
Solfege - $500 In the key of C, name the order of this example: In the key of C, name the order of this example: Do Fa Mi La Do’ Do Fa Mi La Do’
Vowel Shaping - $100 Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Ah as in Father, dropping your jaw at least 2-3 inches with a yawning feeling inside Ah as in Father, dropping your jaw at least 2-3 inches with a yawning feeling inside
Vowel Shaping - $200 Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Oo as in soon, it is formed by closing your lips to a pucker or small circular shape. Oo as in soon, it is formed by closing your lips to a pucker or small circular shape.
Vowel Shaping - $300 Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Oh as in alone, it is formed by making a circular shape with your mouth, not as close as a pucker. Oh as in alone, it is formed by making a circular shape with your mouth, not as close as a pucker.
Vowel Shaping - $400 Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Eh as in bed, it is formed having a yawning feeling inside and a slight roundness to the shape of your mouth Eh as in bed, it is formed having a yawning feeling inside and a slight roundness to the shape of your mouth
Vowel Shaping - $500 Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Name this vowel and describe how to form it: Ee as in see, it is formed by keeping the corners of your mouth north/south and a slight drop of the jaw. Ee as in see, it is formed by keeping the corners of your mouth north/south and a slight drop of the jaw.
Final Jeopardy In the following solfege example in the Key of D, please write out the solfege. In the following solfege example in the Key of D, please write out the solfege. Do So Fa Do’ La Re Mi Ti Do So Fa Do’ La Re Mi Ti