The new European Toolkit EC-CHM Miruna Bădescu EEA contractor: Eau de Web
Get a copy Latest stable version, documentation and discussion area on the distribution page: Windows installation package – easy to use if you want to try it out and get accustomed with it on your personal computer Source distribution (any operating system supported by Python)
Licence and costs Released under the Mozilla Public License Free and open source software Zope Web and application server Python scripting language Naaya multilingual content management system The EEA is the initial owner of the code
Step 1: Download and install Follow the installation instructions from the distribution page
Step 2: Customise the layout Change site’s title and subtitle Write some description on the front page Choose a layout Change the logos
Step 4: Start adding content Add links, news, publish a story on front Show the calendar of events Fill in your contact data in the “Contact us page”
Step 5: define your community of contributors Add users... grant them roles on the entire portal or just on certain sections Delegate authority for content contribution and management
Step 6: Tailor syndication 1.Define your local channels (e.g. latest news, upcoming events) 2.Define remote channels (or aggregation of them) and show them around the portal
New features in version 2.2 Aggregation of channels – group multiple feeds in one channel Improved HTML editor
New: multimedia files Publish short films and presentations Present information in a visual way You can upload subtitles for each portal language => the Media Files become multilingual
New: collaborative components Collaborative tools managed through the Web Discussion forum Consultation Survey
New: Yahoo-based maps and geo points Interactive maps using the Yahoo API, where the geo points are shown according to their type
With the EC-CHM Toolkit you can Mobilise networks of experts through a user-friendly content management system Raise public awareness by uploading of short films, photos and presentations Communicate biodiversity by state-of-the-art mapping services using YAHOO backgrounds and Google Earth exports Prepare for biodiversity reporting by using public content contribution, user discussion forum, public consultation tools, survey tools and syndication Collaborate in technical and scientific projects with modern web standards Connect biodiversity databases open source technologies (NAYA and ZOPE) easy to extend and customise