PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO BLOG Instructor: Mr Rizal Arbain FB:Facebook/rizal.arbain Website: H/P: Ibnu Sina Workshop 20121
OBJECTIVE To explore knowledge of blog concept To improve IT skills To implement new environment study Chapter 2: Publishing Online2
WORKSHOP DISTRIBUTION 10.30am-11.15am11.15am-12.15am12.15am-12.30am Theory of blog -What is blog? -Features? -Platform? Hands on mini project -How to sign up blog? -How to update? Project submission -Submit link URL your blog. -Select the best winner Chapter 2: Publishing Online3
Overview Blogs is two Web 2.0 tools that allow users to publish content online –Blogs function as online journals A Web site is a collection of related Web pages that are usually hosted on the same server Chapter 2: Publishing Online4
The Structure of Web-based Applications Blogs offer users a simple way to publish content to the Web without the need to know HTML HTML uses tags to instruct a Web browser how to display a Web page –Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a complementary technology that specifies fonts, colors, layout, and placement Chapter 2: Publishing Online5
The Structure of Web-based Applications Chapter 2: Publishing Online6
The Structure of Web-based Applications Many Web applications use a three-tiered structure that allows users to interact with the Web site –Presentation tier deals with presentation of information –Middle tier is responsible for processing user input Also called the business logic tier –Database tier is responsible for retrieving requested information Chapter 2: Publishing Online7
Understanding Blogs Users update their blogs by entering new content using a blogging application –Collection of all bloggers (people who post to their blogs) and their blogs is referred to as the blogosphere –A permalink can be used to link to a specific article on a blog –Blog members read and follow a blog Chapter 2: Publishing Online8
Corporate Blogs Chapter 2: Publishing Online9
Understanding Blogs Citizen journalists share their thoughts about news and events Chapter 2: Publishing Online10
News and Opinion Blogs Chapter 2: Publishing Online11
Searching Frequently Updated Web Content The World Live Web refers to the ever- changing nature of all types of information on the Web –News headlines –Frequently updated blogs –Updates on social networks –Popular terms on search engines Chapter 2: Publishing Online12
Searching Frequently Updated Web Content Chapter 2: Publishing Online13
Web-Based Blogging Applications Chapter 2: Publishing Online14
Interacting with a Blogger Blog Components of most blogging applications include the ability to: –Create and edit blog posts –Configure the blog’s settings –Select a design template and customize its layout Chapter 2: Publishing Online15
Interacting with a Blogger Blog To create a blog post, enter the title of the post Use the text editor to perform basic text formatting Create hyperlinks and upload images and videos You can edit or delete posts Chapter 2: Publishing Online16
Interacting with a Blogger Blog The Settings tab contains options for specifying: –Blog’s title and description –Whether the blog should be added to Blogger’s blog listings –Whether search engines will be allowed to index the blog when a new post is submitted –Formatting settings –Whether to display blog comments – and mobile settings –Permissions settings Chapter 2: Publishing Online17
Interacting with a Blogger Blog Chapter 2: Publishing Online18
Interacting with a Blogger Blog The Layout tab allows you to configure your blog by customizing: –Page elements Gadgets / widgets –Fonts and colors –Templates Chapter 2: Publishing Online19
Blogging with Multimedia Bloggers can upload images and videos from their computer, or third-party multimedia sharing services such as Flickr or YouTube Adding images to a blog enhances the blog –Most blogging applications resize images so that they fit in the content area –Use images in a compressed image format to reduce size Chapter 2: Publishing Online20
Blogging with Multimedia Chapter 2: Publishing Online21
Blogging with Multimedia Chapter 2: Publishing Online22
Blogging with Multimedia You can embed content in a blog or on a Web page Chapter 2: Publishing Online23
Blogging with Multimedia Chapter 2: Publishing Online24
Blogging with Multimedia Most video-sharing Web sites contain the embed code that you should place into your blog application’s HTML editor Chapter 2: Publishing Online25
Blogging with Multimedia Video blogs are blogs whose posts primarily contain videos recorded by or featuring the owner of the blog Chapter 2: Publishing Online26
Extending a Blog’s Value After creating a blog, you should publicize it to increase traffic –Include blog URL in signature –Add links/information to social networking sites –Become an active participant on other blogs –Back (inbound) links and outbound links –Post reciprocal links –Notify search engines (ping) when there is updated content Chapter 2: Publishing Online27
Extending a Blog’s Value Chapter 2: Publishing Online28
Extending a Blog’s Value Advertising is the main source of revenue for most blogs –Leaderboard/banner ads –Skyscraper ads Context-sensitive text, image, or video advertisements are related to page content Chapter 2: Publishing Online29
Extending a Blog’s Value Chapter 2: Publishing Online30
Extending a Blog’s Value Google AdSense ads displayed on a blog are priced at either –Cost-per-click (CPC) Paid when users click an advertisement –Cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) Paid when the ad appears 1000 times Blogger offers built-in functionality to work with Google AdSense Chapter 2: Publishing Online31
Extending a Blog’s Value Chapter 2: Publishing Online32
Summary Blogs facilitate the process of creating and sharing online content Three-tiered architecture of Web applications Blogging is a popular tool for individuals and organizations Blogs usually are authored and maintained by individuals. Chapter 2: Publishing Online33