On the following ten slides contain headlines from the most significant events since 1900 Can you guess the ten events? Look at how the headlines describe the events and how the pictures work with it
Look at the Headlines and Pictures 1.Say WHAT is there 2.Say something about HOW it is presented The first one is done for you
Lots of detail, facts, figures Headline says what happened Pic of ship Large image to catch eye and dominate
Question Two
When you looked at the headlines you looked at both the language of the headline and the image.
The kinds of things you need to be looking for are: Headlines (etc.) Puns Emotive vocabulary Contrasts Key words Fonts Etc. Pictures Camera angles Colours Contrasts Expressions Size and scale Style (photo / diagram etc. ) Etc.
For example: Here you would be expected to comment on: The happy expression of the Queen – and point out this is despite the weather. The long and close-up pictures – showing us the scale of the event ad the expression of the Queen The pun in the headline and subheading The statement in the sub-heading that sums or explains the story Also perhaps… The plug at the top The Olympic symbols and countdown
What does the mark scheme ask us to do?
Work in pairs to re-read the mark scheme and mark the two responses? What mark would you give them and why?
The headline tells you what the story is about. It tells you that the snow has made drivers get stuck. The picture links to the headline because it also shows snow and so you get to see how bad the snow was. The picture works well because the old lady is trying to clear snow away from her path and this shows that it was really causing people problems and the headline also says that the snow was causing people problems. The headline is a direct statement about the weather and uses the word “strands” to emphasise how hopeless people were. This links nicely to the picture because it shows an old woman up to her knees in snow, equally hopeless. However, the headline is about cars and the picture shows a person and so it seems that the writers are trying to humanise the situation by showing us how people were affected. Here is the opening paragraph of two students’ answers. Why is one better than the other? What bands do you think each is heading for?
Now its over to you…
Swap your work with someone else in your class who isn’t on your table Give them: 3 x What Went Well 1 x Even Better If Use the mark scheme to try to give them a mark if you can.