[Your Company Name] 2014 United Way Campaign
What We Do We're igniting a social movement in Greater Detroit by empowering people to unite and solve complex problems that affect us all.
Stories Meet UWSEM Meet Donniqua Meet Renae Meet Karen
Solutions People can live their best lives when they are educated, financially stable and healthy. Attaining any one of these alone is good, but it is not enough. Only people that have all three are able to build — and sustain — a vibrant community. Read more about our work in our Initiatives Guidebook.
Company Name’s United Way History This is a place to include information regarding your company’s involvement and history with United Way: Include narrative bullets History of the relationship Past Giving History Campaign Highlights
2014 Campaign Dates This is a place to communication information regarding events surrounding your company’s United Way campaign, including the start and end date: Campaign Kickoff Bake Sale Ice Cream Social Campaign End
2014 Campaign Chairperson Introduce the person(s) that will be leading your company’s campaign efforts: Name Title Division Phone Number Insert Photo Here
2014 Campaign Goals Enter your campaign goal(s). Goal(s) could be based on % of participation, overall dollars raised, average gift, leadership giving, etc.: 2013 Participation: 45% 2014 Participation Goal: 60% 2013 Average Gift: $ Average Gift Goal: $500