By Hamilton,Lawence,Ben THE HOLOCAUST
THE NAZIS GHETTOS During the ww2 ghetts where made by the nazie to confine jews into compacted places. There is 2 different ghettos death
THE HOLOCAUST Although the term “Holocaust” is often used to refer to the Jewish tragedy, between five and 11 million members other minority groups were victims of Nazi genocide. These included Polish, blacks, homosexuals, Romani and other “gypsy” groups, people with disabilities, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, criminals, political prisoners and Soviet civilians and prisoners of war These were parts of a city where Jews were compelled to live. In the beginning many ghettos were “open” meaning Jews were allowed to come and go, but later they were all walled off. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest with other 445,000 Jews packed into 3.4 square km (1.3 square miles). In just two months in 1942 over 250,000 Jews were sent from the Warsaw Ghetto to their deaths at the Treblinka extermination camp. The Holocaust was organized in Berlin at the Wannsee Conference on 20 January Senior Nazi Reinhard Heydrich presented a plan for the deportation and eventual extermination of all Jews from Europe and French North Africa.