CT Office of Early Childhood: An Update on Progress Made & Upcoming Endeavors Myra Jones-Taylor Executive Director, CT Office of Early Childhood STONE SOUP CONFERENCE October, 22, 2013 Myra Jones-Taylor Executive Director, CT Office of Early Childhood STONE SOUP CONFERENCE October, 22, 2013
CT’s Goals for Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge By 2017 we will: Increase the number of children with high needs who are enrolled in high quality early learning and development programs by 9,500; Double the current number of high quality programs for children with high needs by moving 500 programs to the highest levels of quality; and Decrease the readiness gap at kindergarten by 5 percent. By 2017 we will: Increase the number of children with high needs who are enrolled in high quality early learning and development programs by 9,500; Double the current number of high quality programs for children with high needs by moving 500 programs to the highest levels of quality; and Decrease the readiness gap at kindergarten by 5 percent.
Payment Matrix for Centers Program Size based on Total Enrollment Tier 1 Base Tier 1 Subsidized Enrollment (per child amount) Tier 2 Base Tier 2 Subsidized Enrollment (per child amount) Tier 3 Base Tier 3 Subsidized Enrollment (per child amount) Tier 4 Base Tier 4 Subsidized Enrollment (per child amount) Small Up to 59 children $250$100$500$200$1,000$400$2,000$500 Medium children $300$100$550$200$2,000$400$3,000$500 Large 100 – 159 children $350$100$800$200$3,000$400$5,000$500 Very Large 160 or more children $500$100$1,000$200$5,000$400$7,000$500 ANNUAL QUALITY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS ConneCT 2 Quality Connecticut’s Early Childhood Quality Rating and Improvement System Payment Matrix for Family Child Care Providers Tier 1 Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4 $500 $700$1,000$2,000