Presented By: Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent John Belmont, Superintendent Strategic Planning Council
Strategic Planning Leadership Title I Teresa Kochan-Castro ESL Francela Lopez Special Education Sue Hyndman Gifted Elisabete Abrantes & Rachel Cline Technology Gary Evashenk Curriculum Leadership Rachel Cline Media Center Laura Pincus Community Involvement Rosaleen McSwiney Finance Christine Crook & Michele Krunis Extra-Curricular Dennis Kwit RtI Committee Nancy Akin Staff Development Judith Geerdes Mentoring Jennifer Danek-Parker & Stacy Goldman Safety/Drug Free Schools Linde Parvin
Berwyn North District 98 3 Mission Statement Berwyn North is an elementary district of neighborhood schools committed to mutual respect and cultural diversity. We will foster a strong partnership among students, school staff, families and community as well as empower students with the ability to solve problems, make decisions, apply technology and informational resources in order to reach their full personal, academic and civic potential.
Berwyn North District 98 4 The focus of all our beliefs is the individual child’s right to achieve his or her personal, academic and civic potential in a safe and caring environment. We believe students need to be provided with opportunities to be motivated, educated and become productive members of the community and society. We believe that students, school personnel and community need to have the opportunity to access current and future technologies. We believe that individual gifts and talents of our students, school personnel and community should be recognized and encouraged through the curriculum and support programs. We believe that it is essential to have a strong partnership among students, family, school and community. We believe that all ideas to further the goals of the district be heard and respected. Belief Statements
Berwyn North District 98 5 To develop a plan to increase community involvement through educational programs and better utilization of community resources and business partnerships To communicate the technology plan to the schools in the district and involve staff input in the annual revision. To review and revise general district curriculum with emphasis on the needs of special populations, multiculturalism and character development. To design a comprehensive staff development plan that responds to the needs of the school community. To develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the safety and security needs of the district. To develop and maintain educational environments and facilities that address the needs of an increasing student enrollment. To investigate the different financial resources available to the school district through local, regional, state, federal and corporate agencies. Goals
Rationale for Proposal 6 Data-Driven Decision Making Cross-Articulation Integration & Communication Equal Representation
Federal & State Funding Mandates the Following Documentation from Committees 7 Agendas Minutes of Meetings Sign-In Sheets (Attendance) Annual Performance Reports: Improved Student Achievement Improved Curriculum & Instruction Improved Home-School Communication Quarterly Expenditure Reports: Grant Expenditures Amendments to Grants: Revisions to grants based on recommendations from sub-committees & administration
District Improvement Plan District Technology Plan Individual School Improvement Plans 8 These Mandated Plans Have: Established Goals Established Strategies In Need of Working Committees to: Collect data Analyze data Make data-based recommendations
Proposed Organizational Structure for Strategic Planning Council ( ) Board of Education (Monthly) Strategic Planning Council (Semi-Annual) Advisory Council (Semi-Annual) Title I Committee (Monthly) Community Involvement Committee (Semi-Annual) ESL Committee (Monthly) Finance Committee (Semi-Annual) Special Education Committee (Monthly) Safety Committee (Semi-Annual) Gifted Committee (Quarterly) Extra-Curricular Committee (Semi-Annual) Curriculum Mapping Committees (Summer) RtI Committee (Quarterly) Technology Curriculum Committee (Quarterly) Staff Development Committee (Quarterly) Media Center Committee (Monthly) Mentoring Committee (Quarterly) Recommendations Presented to Board of Education Verify Recommendations Align with District Improvement Plan Verify Recommendations Align with School Improvement Plans & District Technology Plan
Advisory Council Chairmen, Representatives & Funding 10 Title I Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Funding - Reading Improvement, Title I School ide Grants and District Funds Advisory Council Representative: Teresa Kochan-Castro (Jefferson) ESL Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Funding – TBE/TPI & Title III Grants and District Funds Advisory Council Representative: Francela Lopez (Jefferson) Special Education Committee: Chairman – Maria McCarthy, Director of Special Education Funding - Special Education Grant Advisory Council Representative: Sue Hyndman (Jefferson – EC) Gifted Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Funding - Title I School Wide, Title II Grants and District Funds Advisory Council Representatives: Elisabete Abrantes (Prairie Oak Grade 5) & Rachel Cline (Lincoln Middle School)
Advisory Council Chairmen, Representatives & Funding 11 Mentoring Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Funding - Title II Grant Advisory Council Representative: Jennifer Danek-Parker & Stacy Goldman Technology Curriculum Committee: Chairman – William Witkowsky, Director of Technology Funding - Morton Career Grant and District Funds Advisory Council Representatives: Gary Evashenk (Lincoln - Technology) Media Center Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Co-Chairman – William Witkowsky, Director of Technology Funding - District Funds Advisory Council Representative: Laura Pincus (Lincoln Middle- Media Center) Community Involvement Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Co-Chairman – William Witkowsky, Director of Technology Funding – Title I School wide, Title III, TBE/TPI Advisory Council Representatives: Rosaleen McSwiney (Lincoln - Technology)
Advisory Council Chairmen, Representatives & Funding 12 RtI Committee: Chairman – Nancy Akin (Havlicek Principal) Funding –District Funds Advisory Council Representatives: Maria McCarthy – Director of Pupil Personnel Curriculum Leadership Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Funding – Title I School wide, Title II, Title III, TBE/TPI and District Funds Advisory Council Representatives: Rachel Cline (Lincoln – Grade 6) Staff Development Committee: Chairman – Dorothy Wunderlich, Assistant Superintendent Co-Chairman – William Witkowsky, Technology Director Funding – Title I School wide, Title II, Title III, TBE/TPI, & District Funds Advisory Council Representatives: Judith Geerdes (Jefferson – Grade 1)
Advisory Council Chairmen, Representatives & Funding 13 Finance Committee: Co-Chairmen – Ken Keeling & John Belmont Funding – Federal, State Grants & District Funding Advisory Council Representative: Christine Crook (Lincoln Middle – Media Center) Michele Krunis (Prairie Oak – Grade 3) Safety Committee: Chairman – Linde Parvin Funding - Title IV Grant Advisory Council Representative: Linde Parvin (Jefferson) Extra-Curricular Committee: Chairman – Dennis Kwit Funding – District Funds Advisory Council Representative: Dennis Kwit(Lincoln Middle School)
Responsibilities of Advisory Council Representatives 14 Attend Committee Meetings Attend (Fall & Spring) “Advisory Council” Meetings Present Recommendations to (Fall & Spring) “Strategic Planning Council” Meetings Thank YOU!!