PHILOSOPHY & MECHANICS What makes them major? Why are they important to catch? (Converse: Why is it important not to mis-apply them?) Rules knowledge, proper mechanics and staying with your keys Crew communication
Blocking zone for legal clipping. 5x3
CLIPPING When is it legal? Offensive lineman in the blocking zone at snap may legally clip. BUT, REMEMBER, IT MUST BE ABOVE THE KNEE. It is never legal to block someone from behind at or below the knees. Linemen only! Backs can never clip. See diagrams. VIDEO. Would be illegal even at thigh because out of zone. (Compare with block in back above waist.) Play: QB A15 fumbles behind NZ. In trying to move A27 out of his way to recover ball, B82 pushes A27 (a) in the back above waist, or (b) at the back of the knees. Ruling?
Low Block Zone 7x5 for linemen. (Tackle box for backs)
BLOCKING BELOW THE WAIST Only those Team A players on the line within 7 yards of the snap & stationary backs in the tackle box may cut block front or side while ball is in zone Players other than above may only block below waist from front, but NOT towards the original position of the ball at the snap All blocks below the waist OUTSIDE the zone and ANYWHERE once the ball has left the zone must be from the front Once the ball has left the zone no Team A player can block below the waist towards his own goal line, even if it’s from the front
BLOCKING BELOW THE WAIST VIDEOS IBW YES OR NO?: Watch A9 middle receiver. [:56 sec for replay] IBW TOWARDS GOAL LINE: Is this a 3’oclock block anyway?
BLOCKING BELOW THE WAIST QUIZ PLAYS Play 1: A88 is on his line of scrimmage 7 yards to the right of snapper. He immediately blocks B68 below the waist (a) in front and directly toward Team B’s goal line, or (b) at a “3 o’clock” side angle Play 2: A31, flanker on left side, runs a reverse to the right. A82 is an end 10 yards to right of snapper on right. As A31 turns corner, A82 still on NZ, blocks B62 below waist, HEAD-ON (12 o’clock) towards left sideline.
BLOCKING BELOW THE WAIST QUIZ ANSWERS Play 1: Legal in both plays. Because he is inside zone he may legally block below the waist in either direction. (Formerly referred to as “unrestricted”) Play 2: Illegal block below the waist because the player a) was not in the zone at time of snap and b) blocked low towards original position of the ball. Even though it was from the front. PRE-SNAP READS ARE IMPORTANT! IF TIGHT END HAD DONE THIS IT WOULD BE LEGAL.
HORSECOLLAR TACKLE Introduced a few years ago, there are still some misconceptions. NOT A FOUL IF: -The front collar is grabbed -The back of the shirt is grabbed -The ball carrier is in the tackle box -The ball carrier falls forward -The ball carrier isn’t immediately pulled down VIDEO: Good example of how major fouls near a sideline can require extra attention
KICK CATCH INTERFERENCE When is a Team B receiver afforded protection? When does that protection end? Valid versus invalid fair catch signals Backjudge & wingmen must communicate VIDEO: Is this a foul? Discuss.
ROUGHING THE PASSER “LOW” New this year Key Terms: Passing posture; Not a runner; Knee or below; Roll/Lunge versus Grab/Wrap; Unabated Discuss what these mean. VIDEO 1: Unabated? Blocked into QB? Why R might need help from U. (Also HCT at end?) VIDEO 2: [Go to replay at :50]
OTHER MAJOR FOULS FACEMASK: Must have a pull, twist, or turn…Communicate: If you are 100% sure it was the shirt being pulled, confer with calling official. LEAPING: Not a foul if the defender was within a yard of NZ. Not a foul if there’s no kick. TARGETING: Strongly advise that you immediately confer. Don’t yell “targeting” or “spearing” to the referee. Get together & talk.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT There is a list of UNS acts in the book but it’s by no means exhaustive Can be a judgment call. It can vary from game to game & crew to crew. Often depends on the feel of the game My advice is be consistent: if a player has been doing or saying something (small) all game, don’t call Unsportsmanlike for the same thing in the 4 th quarter
RECOMMENDED RESOURCES (videos, quizzes, discussion topics, etc.) The Redding Study Guide to NCAA Football Rules--expands on the rule book with explanations, play descriptions, philosophies, etc. Discuss plays with fellow officials throughout the season (great way to kill time at work)