M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay? Nick Kokko
H ISTORY OF T AXATION The origin of the income tax n individuals is generally cited as the passage of the 16th Amendment and it was passed by congress on July 2, 1909.
A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? I disagree because I think that that money goes to some stupid things like nasa. I don’t like nasa because I think that it’s a waste of money and that they should be researching something better like how to fix the ozone layer or things like.
S TATE 1: K ENTUCKY Sales tax is 6% State income tax: LOW: 3,000 HIGHEST: 7,000 They are going to use there tax money to make a religious theme park that is 160 acres
N EW M ÉXICO They do have a state income tax Tax rate: 5.125% They use their money for this program called “LEAVE NO CHILD INSIDE ACT”
TEXAS Tax rate: 6.25% Texas does have a state income tax
W ISCONSIN Wisconsin sales tax is 5% Yes Wisconsin individual income tax rates vary from 4.60% to 7.75%
L OUISIANA Louisiana has a state income tax Louisiana sales tax rate of 3.97
52 in TV You purchase them at Wal-Mart cost $1, TV with tax is $1, My parents should bye me these things because I'm always bored and if they bye it for me ill have something to do
play station 3 best buy $ Play station 3 with tax is $ My parents should bye me these things because I'm always bored and if they bye it for me ill have something to do
I PHONE 4 $ About $ At att store My mom should bye me this because I need a phone
E MERICA SHOES $60.00 At With tax about $70.00 My mom should buy me this because I need new skate shoes
A PUPPY $ The pet store Tax is $4.00 at 4% Total cost $ My mom need to bye me a puppy
N EW SKATEBOARD Cost $60.00 Buy it at $2.4 or 2.4% $62.40 I need a new board so my mom should buy it for me