Six countries Five in the project Two are already in the EU Bosnia and Herzegovina former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Croatia
All countries has good freshwater resources Two countries has reasonable coastline and marine resources Land resources are limited in all countries but expansion is still possible All countries are small with population of 0.6 to 4.5 million All countries has good per capita GDP from USD to USD Reasonably food secure but with significant imports 75 year life expectancy with healthy populations but ample room for better health Small local markets but significant room for local produce Reasonable institutional capacity but needs improvement Some policy and legal framework but improving is necessary to better inclusion of aquaculture
Low fish consumption Low consumer preference Low fish production No political will No one has convinced the politicians No business plans
No education programmes No aquaculture strategies No adequate local seed No adequate feed Administrative bureaucracy Long licensing procedure How to influence governments
Potential for expansion Promotion for health benefits Promotion for tourist industry Potential for banded niche products
Similar country characteristics Historical relationships Shared rivers Establish regional cooperation State Private