European Federation of Energy Traders 1 Brussels, 22 September 2009 Implementing the 3 rd EU Energy package Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee Chairman 22 September 2009 Brussels
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE Illustration of the Developing EU Gas Market Industrial & Commercial Residential LP Distribution HP Transmission Competing Producers Competing Suppliers Customer Choice of Suppliers Demand management LNG Storage Regulated, Independent Network Operators Gas Interconnectors Trading Hubs set Market Prices Hub LNG I O O I I/O
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee Its an open market, But I was here first. IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE Removing the barriers to help the market to work
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee NB. Not all trading locations are shown Virtual hub (in-grid balancing point) TTF Zeebrugge Physical hub ( e.g border point) PEG N Baumgarten Trading hub with limited price transparency EGT IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE Traded markets are needed for clear price signals GD NBP
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee Large trading hubs are needed for sufficient liquidity. Gas takes far longer to travel than electricity High economic cost of full interconnection across whole of EU. EU gas market will be a series of ‘pools’ rather than a ‘copper plate’ LNG and pipeline gas need access to balancing pools E.g. IEA view of possible gas market development IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE Regional markets may provide long-term solutions
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee Share understanding of the EU gas market design Clear plans to establish market-based balancing Improved provision of fundamental data Multi-system operation (Regional cooperation) Maximising capacity for market participants Consistent regulatory approach to x-border investment Encouraging competitive markets (gas hubs, storage etc...) IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE Some issues to tackle now
Brussels 22 September Colin Lyle, EFET Gas Committee European Federation of Energy Traders Tel: +31 (0) IMPLEMENTING THE 3 rd EU ENERGY PACKAGE IFIEC Forum - 22 September 2009 Brussels