COMS Nodal Commercial Systems Project Update COPs Meeting May 2007 By Bill Barnes and Justin Rasberry
2 2 Texas Nodal Agenda ItemPurposePresentor Requirements UpdateFor InformationBill Barnes Mini-Market Update For InformationBill Barnes Mini-Market UpdateFor InformationBill Barnes Delivery Schedule UpdateFor InformationJustin Rasberry Questions For InformationBill and Justin
3 3 Texas Nodal COMS Requirements Update ERCOT is currently syncing all projects to the March 2007 Protocols and a number of NPRRs and whitepapers (termed Baseline 1). The baseline sync is needed to make sure all projects can communicate data appropriately with one another Future baselines will be coordinated by ERCOT COMS Requirements will be updated to Version 1.1 based on Baseline 1 and submitted to TPTF for review and approval. All associated documentation (use cases, CSDs, test cases, etc) will be updated as Business Requirement updates are approved COPs personnel should review updates to COMS requirements to stay abreast on changes to Protocol rules.
4 4 Texas Nodal COMS Requirements Update The following COMS Requirements are being submitted to TPTF as version 1.1: AIEC DAM, 3 documents -- Energy, AS, and Make Whole RUC Eligibility Statements and Invoices, 2 documents Financial Transfer Real Time Operations, 6 documents – AS, Energy, Voltage, Emergency Operations, RMR, and Black Start Registration The following COMS requirements version 1.1 will be submitted at a later date Disputes – only after COPs has solidified changes to section 9 Data Aggregation –after SDAWG discussion and decision in May 2007 CRR Requirements – May 2007 due to significant changes in CRR sections CMM – May 2007 based on revised detailed design, NPRR review Verifiable Cost – May 2007 Extracts – will be updated within EDW project
5 5 Texas Nodal COMS Use Case Update ERCOT has created Use Cases to help describe the business process for specific aspects of Settlements Use Cases were created by both IT and business to generate a common understanding for delivery Use Cases will be linked to Protocols and Requirements in Req Pro and also to test cases and test scripts in order to trace testing and functionality management Use Cases will also be related to SoSa (System of System Architecture) and end to end test cases Use Cases will have both the “positive” and alternative conditions (also termed “negative conditions”) Use Cases will be updated (eg. version 1.1 etc) as the project moves forward to align to Requirements and other work products
6 6 Texas Nodal COMS Use Case Update COMS Functional AreaNumber of Use Cases AIEC5 Black Start2 CRR Revenue Dispursement, Balancing, DAM, and RT 35 DAM – Energy, AS, and Make Whole19 Data Aggregation13 Emergency Operations2 Eligibility8 Financial Transfer and Late fees (GUI and Process) 22 RMR5 Real time AS and Energy29 RUC18 Registration5 Statements and Invoices13 Voltage Support3 Verifiable Costs2 Global1 Disputes6 Credit Monitoring and Management (CMM) In requirements Document Total of 188 Use Cases A number of use cases have been updated to reflect Requirements version 1.1. The version number will be listed with the use case. Interface use cases will be within IDA or interface team (End to End)
7 7 Texas Nodal Mini-Market and Simple Illustrative Examples Mini-Market = Pool of hypothetical market data Used to create simple illustrative examples of the nodal settlement formulas First version will not include CRR settlements Includes: Simple Network Model Sample of ERCOT Market Participant Demographic Load and Generation QSE Load only QSE Generation only QSE Trading only Cross section of ERCOT generation resource types Various market activities and deployments All data will mocked up, but realistic Solely for settlement demonstration purposes only, Protocols Rule Formulas may change due to NPRRs Actual implementation may deviate from examples Examples will be shared with Market Participants
8 8 Texas Nodal Development Update Completed CSDs for all Commercial Operations areas Updating CSDs to Version 1.1 based on Requirements Version 1.1. Should be complete by June 2007 Detailed Design on task Should have drafts of Detailed Design documents by 2Q2007 Functional Decompositions completed in April 2007 on base coding Lodestar version 4.7 successfully delivered in April 2007 Code base which will be used to build Nodal Working with Lodestar on installation scripts Lodestar metadata changes version 1 submitted April 2007 Significant number of new tables and columns submitted to support Nodal Future changes will be tracked through version control Plan to start unit testing as early as Summer 2007 to meet EDS timeline Initial testing at the Modular level and will “build up” to batch
9 9 Texas Nodal Development Update Most build packages consists of multiple modules Modules aligned into business functional components (i.e. DAM Energy, DAM AS, CRR, etc.) Target FAT completion by mid 4th quarter 2007 Target SAT completion by early 1st quarter 2008 Currently, Lodestar S&B slated for EDS 3 & 4 Statements and Invoice format for EDS 3 Shadow Settlements EDS 4 (requires Extracts) Settlements Go Live with 1st CRR auction
10 Texas Nodal Question ??