Citizens Engagement in Local Governance 1. What is Local Government 2. Engagement Framework 3. Tools of Engagement 4. Example of Engagement
1. What is Local Government Under LG Act 2009 Dzongkhag Tshogdu Gewogs Tshogde Thromde Thsogde
2. Citizens Engagement Framework in Local Governance Framework Dzongkhag Tshogdu Gewog Tshogde Thromdhe Tshogdu Central Agencies National Assembly Drungkhags Tshogpa
3. How: Engagement Tools – Acts ( LG Act 2009/ Mining Act/ Environment Act) – Guidelines (Planning/ Monitoring/Budgeting) – Facilitators ( Trainings/awareness/consultation) – Forums Local Government Facilitators Guidelines and Rules Acts Forums
4. Eg.: Using EngagementTools in the Framework Formation of Local Government Common forum (Dzongkhag Tshogdu, Gyelyong Thromhde Tshogdu, Gewog Thsogde, and Dzongkhag Thromdhe Tshogde) for highest decision making but not law making body – Dzongkhag Tshogdu Session (Dzongkhag Tshogdu Chathrim) Development and planning (Planning Guidelines) Monitoring (National Monitoring and evaluation manuals) Reviews on Plans (FYP mid-term review/sectors presenting progress of the plan)
– Gyelyong Thromdhe Tshogdu Development and planning (Planning Guidelines) Monitoring (National Monitoring and evaluation manuals) Reviews on Plans (FYP mid-term review/sectors presenting progress of the plan) – Gewog Tshogde Development and planning (Planning guidelines/technical supports form Dzongkhag sectors) Monitoring (National Monitoring and evaluation manual) Reviews (sector presents the progress of the plan) – Dzongkhag Thromdhe Tshogde Development and planning Monitoring Reviews
End of Presentation