Improve the Quality of Life Our behavior as consumers for a healthier life !
Example should be taken out of the students’ every day life. Jeans Mobile phones PET bottles Fast food “Balls” Toys Preliminaries
Introducing the topics Background information “Circumstances of the production & trade” ex. Virtual water, Ecological footprint, Food mileage, CSR, Distribution of the profit, ecological/economic/social impacts… Steps in class
Students’ activities Interview in the store (customers, owners, managers…) Role playing Teamwork on topics like child labor, production conditions, organic farming… Trying to find alternatives What can I do differently How can I convince others Informing others of a healthier life! Newspaper, Exhibition, Presentation, Cooking & inviting others such as teachers, classmates, Interviews with local politicians & local gov. staffs on the purchase of the community (uniforms, stones, school lunch, coffee/tea for the staff, CSR standards …)
Vielen Dank!