Think about it. What happens if you go on a trip without planning it? Does every kind of prewriting work for every essay or paper? Do you ever start on a paper and don’t know where to start?
Why do prewriting? To get your thoughts in order. So you can remember your thoughts. To help you when you get stuck.
Some types of prewriting Jot lists Outlines Concept Maps
Jot lists Food Delicious Healthy Hamburgers Diet Calories Fat Pizza Cooking
Outlines I. Body Paragraph 1 A. Proof 1 a. Supporting detail 1 b. Supporting detail 2 B. Proof 2 a. Supporting detail 1 b. Supporting detail 2
Uses of candlelight in novel ◦ Vision ◦ Fear/loss of safety Common symbolism and associations of candlelight ◦ Prayer ◦ Séances ◦ Death Last candle light extinguished foreshadowing Miles’ death Vision ◦ Appearances “it was a comfort that there could be no uneasiness in a connexion with anything so beatific as the radiant image of my little girl, the vision of … angelic beauty” (7) ◦ Quint and Miss Jessel Candle extinguishes repeatedly when ghosts are due to appear First encounter with Quint a “bewilderment of vision” Intense stares from ghosts implying their intentions.
Concept Maps n.htm
First steps Read the writing situation and directions for writing carefully. Brainstorm for ideas. Consider how to address your audience. Decide what ideas to include and how to organize them. What are the different ways to organize ideas?
Part 1: Planning/Prewriting (15 minutes) Use the space provided for your notes, jot list, or outline. Organize your major supporting details before writing the first draft. Part 2: Drafting (35 minutes) Using your prewriting notes, write a first draft of your paper on the Drafting Sheet. Concentrate on getting your ideas down on paper in a logical order. Part 3: Revising and Editing (25 minutes) Carefully reread what you have written to see if your ideas are clear and fully developed. Consider any changes that would make your paper better. Timing
Timing cont’d Part 4: Final Draft (20 minutes) Rewrite your paper on pages 3 and 4 of the Answer Document. When you rewrite, make sure that you use a blue or black pen and write neatly. Part 5: Proofreading (5 minutes) When you finish writing your final draft, make any needed corrections on your paper. You may strike through words, but do so neatly.
Sample Prompt Writing Situation Many public school systems across the country require students to wear uniforms. Some educators believe that wearing uniforms will help students concentrate more on their school work. On the other hand, some students argue that having to wear uniforms prevents them from expressing their individuality. Your principal is considering whether students at your school should wear uniforms. Directions for Writing Write a letter to your principal expressing your view on school uniforms. Provide convincing reasons and specific examples to support your position.
Pairs Writing Situation Cell phone usage has become the norm throughout the country. However, there is not as yet a universal cell phone etiquette. For many people it is perfectly acceptable to talk on the phone while they shop or as they are paying a cashier. Many others find the constant background conversations from cell phone usage intrusive. Public places often must choose between the rights of those who wish to use cell phones on the premises and the rights of those who do not wish to be disturbed by conversations. Schools, too, must grapple with this issue. Do you think cell phones should be banned in schools? Directions for Writing Write a persuasive essay for your school newspaper, explaining your viewpoint. Using specific examples and details, try to convince other students and school officials to agree with your opinion.
Now try one on your own. Writing Situation Your school board is considering presenting all high–school classes online as a means of cutting costs and taking advantage of technology. Consider both situations: realtime, interactive virtual classrooms with all classes conducted online so you could receive instruction while at home, or classrooms filled with students and a teacher inside of a school that you attend all day. Decide how these different modes of education would affect you, your classmates, and the education you receive. Directions for Writing Write a persuasive column for the newspaper to try to convince the school board and the community to conduct high-school classes in the way you feel is best. Use your observations and experiences as support for your opinion.
Exit Slip What is your favorite way to prewrite (thinking about a persuasion essay) and why? It can be one we didn’t discuss today. (At least 5 complete sentences) *This can either be ed to the dropbox or you can write it on a piece of paper and turn it in.