Davos® Telco Server (All-In-One Solution - IVR,ACD,Billing) Architecture> Voice servers, database, disk array, redundancy, administration
Davos® Telco Server (All-In-One Solution - IVR,ACD,Billing) Architecture> Modular design> Module hierarchy Hardware Platform: IPC + Intel Dialogic or Aculab Prosody OS W Firmware Intel or Aculab Davos Application Manager Com Server: Routing XML Script Parser SchedulerACD Module Call Logging Perl Script (call behaviour) in XML format Admin Tools Fax, , Web SQL Engine Conferencing LCR A-Leg Billing B-leg Billing CallBack Billing Online Billing Perl TTS, Voice Recogn.
Davos® Telco Server (All-In-One Solution - IVR,ACD,Billing) Prepaid card> Prepaid Platform> Basic Call Behaviour> User (CLI) calling the access number (DID1) - Callback available Server is answering this call and authorize the caller: CLI (registered phone associated to account) PIN and S/N (not registered, calling cards etc.) Account ID Balance and tariff Destination number Maximum call length Call is routed to destination number (DID2) Taking care about maximum call length Billing and account update after the call is done
Davos® Telco Server (All-In-One Solution - IVR,ACD,Billing) Prepaid card> Prepaid Platform> Web based administration tool>
Davos® Telco Server (All-In-One Solution - IVR,ACD,Billing) Prepaid card> Prepaid Platform> Web based administration tool>