The Effect of Brand Image and Service Quality on Southern Taiwan's Chain Restaurant Consumers' Repurchase Intentions Jessie Liu
Introduction Problem People are too busy to cook More money to pay for delicacy Dependence on restaurants increase Restaurant industry grows sharply & competitive Difficult to manage
Introduction Motivation Become competitive Understand customer behavior Brand Image Service Quality No research discussing customer behavior of chain restaurant in Southern Taiwan
Research Question From Southern Taiwan customer’s perspective Brand image have impact on repurchase intention? Service quality have impact on repurchase intention?
Background Food and beverage industry in Taiwan
Literature Review Brand Image Customer Satisfaction Repurchase Intention Chen (2012) Häagen-Dazs in Taiwan Brand Image AFFECT Repurchase Intention mutual relationship
Literature Review Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988) Service quality is an intangible concept Huang, Chen, and Huang (2010) T.G.I. Fridays restaurant in Taipei Service Quality AFFECT Repurchase Intention
Theoretical Framework Sunyansanoa, Farquhar, and Czarnecka (nd)
Theoretical Framework Yap Sheau Fen and Kew Mei Lian (nd)
Methodology Part of questionnaire adapted from Chen (2012), Huang et al. (2010), and Zeithaml (1988). 111 participants, all valid Questionnaire – 3 sections Section 1 : Demographic - 6 multiple choice Section 2 : Brand Image - 2 multiple choice & 9 scaled questions Section 3 : Service Quality – 15 scaled questions
Survey Participants
Result Cross-tab of Frequency of Repurchase vs. Brand Satisfaction Positive relations between satisfaction of the brand and the repurchase intention
Result. Cross-tab of Efficiency of Service vs. Service Satisfaction
Cross-tab of Repurchase Frequency vs. Service Satisfaction Result
Discussion The brand image of a chain restaurant affects the consumer repurchase intention in Southern Taiwan Brand Image Customer Satisfaction Repurchase Intention Positive Brand Image Increase repurchase intention Attract new customers Heard from others or media Unexpected Outcome income vs. price acceptance mutual relationship
Discussion The service quality of a chain restaurant affects the consumer repurchase intention in Southern Taiwan Efficiency of Service (Social Factor) Consumers feel they have been respected Satisfaction of Service Quality Repurchase Intention Design of Restaurant (Design Factor) Cleaning Condition (Ambient Factor) Repurchase Intention
Future Consideration & Conclusions Future Consideration Consider other variables Focus on which factor affects more Positive answer to the hypothesis Brand image affect repurchase intention (V) Service quality affect repurchase intention (V)
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