displayCtrlr Specification Aim: Capture, simulate and implement a multiplexed 7 segment and LED display controller subsystem. Implement on the Digilent Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA development system. Display four digit values on the 7-segment display element. Assume a 50MHz system clk frequency. displayCtrlr ISE module VHDL file name is displayCtrlr.vhd Top (FPGA) level ISE module VHDL file name is d3Design.vhd The displayCtrlr facilitates hardware debug of FPGA designs implemented during the course Digilent Spartan-3 Xilinx FPGA hardware development system displayCtrlr functional partition diagram
This document contains: Contents This document contains: Submission / demonstration instructions Top level FPGA pin connection Top level d3Design Diagram, Data Dictionary and FPGA pinout Digilent Spartan-3 development system, 7-segment display circuitry displayCtrlr Component Incremental Data Dictionary displayCtrlr process description Description of ISE project template files provided Lab instructions Reference timing diagrams (simulation waveforms) Expected synthesised RTL schematic
Top (FPGA) d3Design Diagram, Data Dictionary and FPGA pinout clk: system clock strobe rst: asynchronous reset (H) btn(2:0): 3 spring loaded switches sw(7:0): 8 x toggle switches anL(3:0): 4 x 7-seg display anode control signals (L asserted). displayCtrlr component asserts (L) one anode control signal at a time, for a period of 81.92us seg7L(6:0): 7-seg LEDs, common to each 7-seg display (L asserted) dpL: decimal point LED, common to each 7-seg ld(7:0): 8 x LEDs (H asserted)
Digilent Spartan-3 development system, 7-segment display circuitry 7-segent display circuitry
Digilent Spartan-3 development system, 7-segment display circuitry Refer to schematic and User guide (datasheet)
displayCtrlr Component Incremental Data Dictionary dpIn(3:0): 4 x decimal point input values (H asserted) ldIn(7:0): 8 x LED display data in (H asserted) seg73Sel(3:0), seg72Sel(3:0), seg71Sel(3:0), seg70Sel(3:0): digit-wide data for decoding and displaying on 7-seg display cnt(13:0): 14 bit counter rolls over every 16k (0->16384)*clks (327.68us). seg7Sel(1:0): 2-bit combination, changing at 81.92us intervals to enable practical viewing of data on the 7 segment displays seg7Sel(1:0) [= cnt(13:12)] seg7Sel used to generate anL, select 7 segment display and DP values data(3:0): digit-wide 7-seg display data input to 7-seg decoder
displayCtrlr Process Description Refer to Digilent Xilinx Spartan 3 h/w development system spec for details on display devices Pin requirement: 7-segment display data bus (7 pins), anode (4 pins), decimal point (4 pins). Total = 15 pins If 7 segment displays are separately hardwired, require 4 x [data bus (7 pins), decimal point (1 pin)]. Total = 32 pins Counter cnt(13:0) divides system clock (50MHz) to derive slow (81.92us) 2-bit select signals (seg7Sel(1:0)) seg7Sel selects digit display path to 7 segment decoder, DP bit and enables the anode control signals in turn All 7 segment displays and decimal points are driven with seg7L(6:0) and dpL(3:0) respectively seg7*In are const values selected in turn (using seg7Sel) LED values display input ld(7:0) values selDisplay process : selects digit-wide signal (data) to be decoded in 7 segment decoder (binTo7SegDec) four anode signals (anL(3:0)) (low asserted) decimal point signal (dpL) (low asserted)
Description of ISE project template files provided Project file Simulation user macro (provided) Simulation automatic macro (provided) VHDL Testbench (provided) displayCtrlr synthesisable VHDL model (template code provided, to be completed) Top (FPGA) level VHDL model (provided) User constraints file including FPGA pinout assignment Modelsim preferences file (Provided) Review all files Project level definitions/components declared in NUIGLibraryPackage/NUIGPackage.vhd
Lab instructions ISE Project : displayCtrlr.ise (provides access to all of the constituent files) displayCtrlr level VHDL capture and simulation Complete displayCtrlr.vhd VHDL model template to fully describe the required model. Process labels are included corresponding to the labels on the functional partition Check VHDL code syntax, synthesise and view RTL schematic. Review the displayCtrlr VHDL testbench code and Modelsim macro files provided Simulate fully, review the timing waveform and verify correct VHDL model operation. d3Design.vhd level Review and verify the top level design d3Design.vhd model. This includes displayCtrlr component instance connected to the FPGA pins. Implement on FPGA Review d3Design.ucf (provided) for pinout Implement d3Design.vhd top level model and test
Timing diagram Next slide zooms in here
Timing diagram Assert (L) one bit of anL(3:0) at 4096 x clk period intervals anL(3:0) changes from 1110 (E) -> 1101 (D) here
Synthesised displayCtrlr symbol Expected displayCtrlr synthesised (RTL) schematic (for reference) Synthesised displayCtrlr symbol