Chapter 9 The Industrial Revolution 1700-1900. Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9 The Industrial Revolution

Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.Should all countries be industrialized? Why/why not?

Industrialization in the United States starts w/ textile industry –War of 1812: British blockade forces US to develop its own industries –Samuel Slater sneaks technology from GB GB did not want to share it’s technology –Industrialization picks up after the Civil War Railroads are major factor –Cities rapidly expand along railroad linesrailroad lines Flock: travel in a large group or crowd Section 3 Industrialization Spreads

–Rise of Corporations Small companies merge to form larger, powerful companies Stocks are sold to raise capital Stockholders share in profits but are not responsible for its debts Large corps. attempt to control as much business as they can Owners make huge profits while workers are paid low wages Continental Europe Industrializes –Revolution and Napoleonic wars disrupted industrialization Trade and communication between countries stopped Inflation rose Stock: limited ownership rights for company Stockholder: person who owns stock in a company Corporation: company owned by stockholders, share profits not debts Inflation: prices rise higher than value of money

Impact of Industrialization –Industrialization is driving force behind Imperialism Need for raw materials & new markets Wealth gap widens: non-industrialized countries fall further behind Europe, US, Japan exploit colonies for resources –Transformation of Society Europe & US gain economic power Wealthy get wealthier: 10% of population controlled 80% of wealth Rise of middle class strengthens democracy & calls for social reform Wealth gap: difference in wealth between groups/countries Imperialism: powerful country controlling less power country

Industrialization Spreads Use your book/notebook to answer questions about industrialization in different parts of the world What were some favorable conditions that sparked industrialization in both Brit & US Water power, harbors, iron ore, coal, vast labor force, political stability, favorable financial system What factors led to the great expansion of US industry in the late 1800s Technological boom, expansion of railroads, formation of corporations, available capital How did the Napoleonic wars affect the development of industry in Europe Delayed industrialization because war halted communications and trade, drained resources, and caused inflation and political instability How did industry expand throughout Euro during the early 1800s? Industrialization was regional rather than nationwide; some countries did not industrialize because of geographic or social obstacles How did industrialization shift the world balance of power? Widened existing inequalities between industrialized and nonindustrialized countries and paved the way for imperialism In what ways did industrialization benefit society? Created opportunities for achieving wealth, a comfortable standard of living, education, a higher life expectancy, and democratic and social reforms

VIP Heads 1.Choose 8 people from section 4 of chapter Economical Philosophers 2.4 Reform Movement Leaders 2.Fold a sheet a paper into 8 sections. Put your name, date, period on the back bottom right hand corner. 3.In the middle of each section you will draw and color a bust (chest & head) for each person. If you cannot find a picture of the person, draw what you think they would look like. Only color the VIP, not the whole box. 4.On the left side of each section, at the top, write: the name of the person and the country they are from. 5.On the right side of each section, draw a speech bubble (like in a comic book). Inside the speech bubble, write TWO sentences: 1.State the economic philosophy or reform movement they created/started/supported 2.State why they created/started/supported their philosophy or reform. What was it a reaction to? (make sure that you understand what you write)

Exit Slip 1.What allowed the US to industrialize?