24 hours live brief project Clonect
Issue: Students didn’t show their ID before enter the campus Target audience: Students Research: Survey, photographs, online sources
Survey results
Comments from INTI students “The security guards have the responsibility to check for every student ID card. They should enforce the student to provide the cooperation even though they behave ignorance.” “I feel annoying when the security guard asked me to show my ID, however I feel that this is their responsibility and this process is necessary to enhance our safety.” “I think that it’s necessary to show our ID before enter the campus. Otherwise what’s the purpose that we having this card?”
Online Sources All visitors are also responsible for receiving and showing identification to create a safer and secure environment for students, teachers and administrators on the school premises. ids/#sthash.qjU8zLjr.dpuf ids/#sthash.qjU8zLjr.dpuf
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