MARCIt records for e-journals project to implement MARCIt service McGill University Library Feb. 2006
Scope of MARCIt project MARCIt records are only for e-journals MARCIt does not supply records for e- books, databases and other electronic resources regular procedures will continue for e- resources not covered by MARCIt
Current display e.g. American political science review
New display in the catalogue
Past practice : multiple records for e- journals in the catalogue for many titles, our users have access to: print version of a journal + electronic version through one or more vendors past practice: one record for the print version + one record for each vendor who gives us electronic access
Then came FindIt new linking software, like our FindIt McGill, has changed how we access e-journals FindIt is powered by a database called the SFX Knowledge Base –the Knowledge Base is created and maintained by Ex Libris –content in the Knowledge Base is localized and activated at McGill by LTS and LSO staff to match the full text e-journals to which we have access
2 databases (1) SFX Knowledge Base for the FindIt button to work, we need to keep the SFX Knowledge Base precisely updated with information about titles, holdings and access (2) Library Catalogue we also need to keep the library catalogue precisely updated currently: every change has to be done twice: library catalogue + SFX Knowledge Base
FindIt + MARCIt records new approach: use the information in the SFX Knowledge Base in 2 ways: (a)to continue to enable linking from citations in indexing & abstracting databases to full-text in e- journals (b)to generate MARC cataloguing records to be used in our library catalogue through the use of a special service on an Ex Libris server called MARCIt
How MARCIt service works copy of McGill’s Knowledge Base information sent to the MARCIt server MARCIt server processes this information returns a file of MARC records to McGill McGill loads the file into the catalogue mirroring the latest information from the SFX Knowledge Base
Impact of MARCIt records on the catalogue only 1 record for the electronic version whether we have access through only one vendor or through multiple vendors
Simpler display 1 record for the print version 1 record for the electronic version then click on for detailed access info.
New display in the catalogue
FindIt menu a bigger role FindIt menu replaces multiple records in the catalogue FindIt menu tells you how we have access FindIt menu tells you the holdings at each vendor’s site FindIt menu clicks you through to the different full text web sites
MARCIt records for new titles (title not yet in the catalogue) MARCIt records added for existing titles (title already in the catalogue) MARCIt records will replace our current e-journal records
Record replacement to make life easier for our users: 1)part of the plan for the initial load has included an automated matching process so that we can suppress as many duplicate e-journal records as possible warning: this will affect any saved links built on using Aleph system numbers (rare) *** most links will not be affected 2)after the initial load, we will clean-up to complete the reorientation of the catalogue from multiple e-journal records for a title to a single e-journal record
Implementation Plan 2 phases Anticipated date (1) initial load Feb 2006 (2) regular updating procedure Mar The period of clean-up will begin after the initial load and continue while we implement updating procedures.
Effect of new workflow updating process will overlay records limitations on changes made to MARCIt records ● new policy on record changes for MARCIt records ● efficiencies gained by using this service also means that we should not waste these efficiencies by doing duplicate or unnecessary work
More info about the records Most MARCIt records will look very similar to the e- journal records currently in the catalogue full bibliographic records, including variant titles and subjects MARCIt records use CONSER bibliographic records from the OCLC WorldCat database URL connects to full text using the FindIt (SFX) server difference: holdings & linking information is found through the FindIt button, not from Aleph records
Current display identifier for eachholdings from publisher or vendoreach publisher or vendor
New display in the catalogue MARCIt records are “aggregator neutral” neutral: no identifier for a particular vendor or publisher
New display in the catalogue Holdings information comes from the SFX Knowledge Base (Find It) no holdings info here
How do I recognize a MARCIt record? not apparent in brief view in full view, url begins: in full view, MARC format: 035 |a (SFX)... CAT field = MARCIT(for full records) MARCITBR(for brief records) 856 field has url that begins:
Brief records when full records are not available, the MARCIt server sends a very brief record with: Title ISSN URL which leads to the resource via the SFX server - directly, if accessible from one source only - using the FindIt menu, if accessible from multiple sources
Brief record
Brief record – Full view
OdditiesOddities some brief records have titles all in capital letters in a very few cases, there appear to be duplicate records, but each record has a different ISSN – it is FindIt’s way of dealing with related ISSNs automated matching may not have caught all instances of multiple e-journal records for the same title – let us know if you find some
Policy on record changes wherever possible, changes are made at the source: SFX Knowledge Base e.g. incorrect url must be fixed in SFX duplicate records will be investigated errors in the title or ISSN will be investigated if it is not “egregiously misleading”, we’ll live with it – but we will have more up-to-date e-journal info in the catalogue!
Current status Feb. 23rd, 2006 MARCIt records in devAleph 16/01/06 staff have opportunity to preview the changes devAleph: information sessions production: scheduled to begin on Feb. 24 th (loading into real Aleph) phase 2: updating procedure after initial load completed, develop and test process; automate as much as possible March
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