30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting Data Flow in MEDIN
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting The MEDIN DAC Network DAC Network Objective: To provide secure long-term storage for marine data. To provide the capability to upload data into and to retrieve data from the DACs. Data contributors should have free access to their data managed within the DAC framework. Required capabilities of DACs : To ensure the secure, long term, curation of key marine data sets, according to best practice and to relevant national and international standards. To make available clear, searchable information on their data holdings, by the generation and publication of metadata on the MEDIN portal. To form the first point of call of expertise for the management of marine data.
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting The MEDIN DAC Network (cont) MEDIN has established an agreed list of capabilities, required for a DAC to be “accredited”, which include : Quality assurance of the collected data Data-basing and banking with appropriate metadata standards Auditable process for long term custodianship and updating of data sets, with appropriate disaster planning Making datasets freely available wherever possible (not necessarily at zero cost) Committed to raising awareness of the holdings.
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting The MEDIN Data Archive Centre Network The first four DACs incorporated into the network are: BODC: Water column oceanography – all marine data collected under NERC contracts BGS: Marine geology and geophysics DASSH: Marine species and habitats UKHO: Bathymetry
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting DAC Network Progress Building the DAC network BGS, BODC, DASSH, UKHO accredited. Bathymetry DAC established Discussions progressing on scope and organisation of fisheries DAC. Internal discussions at Met Office re Met DAC Bringing in new data CCW temperature logger data being archived at BODC DASSH working with Shark Trust, National Marine Aquarium, Marine Conservation Society Discussions on how to bring in data from COWRIE and marine aggregates characterisation surveys. BGS cataloguing BERR Strategic Environmental Assessment data (UK shelf seas) Reviews: DAC costs and funding – review underway, delivery Q Options to support archiving of data across a network of DACs
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting Consolidating the Data Centre network Bringing marine data into the MEDIN DAC network Data already collected, but not archived The MEDIN DACs already maintain comprehensive data holdings for their identified themes. MEDIN will identify and support the upload of priority data sets that are not currently securely managed. New data collections The MEDIN DACs have agreements in place with funders and key partners. The MEDIN partnership agreement requires partners to archive their marine data within the MEDIN DAC network. Partners are encouraged to adopt the “Data Clause” whilst contracting the collection of marine data – this requires arrangements to be made in advance to ensure the archival of data at the completion of the contract.
30 June 2009 MEDIN Partners Meeting Developing Use Cases for Data Flow Metadata Generation Creation of Unique Identifiers Validation Publication Data Generation (including formats used) Quality Control Archival Management of updates and corrections 1.Habitat Surveys by a Countryside Agency 2.Environmental Characterisation Survey commissioned by govt dept. 3.Research Cruise by Fisheries Laboratory 4.Agency carrying out routine monitoring submitting its metadata to UKDMOS