CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE SIXTH MONTHLY REPORT 2013/14 Civilian Secretariat for Police Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police 15 th October 2013
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 1 st Quarter Expenditure 2 11/17/2015 Description Annual budget allocation R'000 April R'000 May R'000 June R'000 Total 1st Quarter R'000 % of budget 2013/14 % of budget 2012/13 Administration %20% Partnership %34% Policy & Research %23% Legislation %27% Monitoring & Evaluation %17% Personnel costs %12% Total %15%
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 2 nd Quarter Expenditure (Cumulative) 3 11/17/2015 Description Annual budget allocation R'000 April R'000 May R'000 June R'000 July R'000 Aug R'000 Sep R'000 2nd Quarter Cumulative R'000 % of budget 2013/14 % of budget 2012/13 Administration %35% Partnership %67% Policy & Research %62% Legislation %36% Monitoring & Evaluation %24% Personnel costs %27% Total %30%
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE 2 nd Quarter Expenditure Summary (Cumulative) 4 11/17/2015 Description Annual budget allocation R'000 Total 2nd quarter R'000 % of budget 2013/14 % of budget 2012/13 Operational expenditure %39% Personnel costs %27% Total %30%
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE Proposed 2013/14 Budget Adjustments 5 11/17/2015 Programmes Annual budget allocation R'000 Reallocation R'000 Revised budget R'000 Administration Partnership Policy & Research Legislation Monitoring & Evaluation 8 788(3 050) Personnel costs Total
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: 2013/14 – 2016/ /17/2015 Programmes 2013/142014/152015/162016/17 R'000 Administration Partnerships Policy and Research Legislation Monitoring and Evaluation Total
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE ADMINISTRATION 1.Office of the Secretary Greater coordination of MINMEC meetings through better use of reporting Alignment of Provinces progressing with all provinces now establishing Secretariat structures Process to becoming a designated department being finalised 2. Human Resource Management Approved disciplinary policy being implemented Approved Human Resource plan being implemented Skills audit finalised Improved monitoring of compliance issues related to sick leave, recruitment, selection, and attendance 3. Supply Chain Management Procurement planning introduced for all units and monitoring of performance against plan. Supply Chain Management policy finalised and being workshopped with Units Finalised physical asset verification 4. Financial Management Shared services with IPID as opposed to SAPS being developed Better budget monitoring implemented Treasury engaged regarding final requirements for designated department 7
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE ADMINISTRATION FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY 8 ChallengesMitigation of Challenges Filling all vacant post and failure to find suitable candidates Better selection processes being implemented Shared service level agreement with SAPS Working with IPID and other departments on shared services Insufficient office spaceAgreement to relocate the CSP
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE PARTNERSHIPS 1. Civil Society Partnerships Western Cape faith based engagements were initiated as part of implementing crime prevention and safety programmes (focus is on youth and the elderly) Agreement reached between Civics and Unions on implementation of crime prevention initiatives. Working groups established with FAWU and police unions Established a working group with Traditional leaders in Limpopo Buy in from stakeholders to launch the campaign. Awaiting launch date 2. Intergovernmental Relations The target was to establish 8 by the end of second quarter, but 16 were established All provinces now have CSF facilitation forums which are being monitored on a quarterly basis Extended working relations with Cogta,/Salga. GIZ is assisting with facilitation. Developed a programme with Department of Social Development on the participation of Provincial Departments of Safety on the social sector EPWP 3. Community Outreach Target of five Izimbizo/Public Participation outreach meetings were held in (Mannenburg, Gugulethu, Mitchel’s Plain, Phillipi and Jabulani) The CPF training committee was established and a manual is being drafted Participation in the Eldorado Park area. Focus on Drug abuse 9
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE PARTNERSHIPS 4. Public Private Partnerships Engagements held with the University of Johannesburg to focus specifically on student safety Second phase of visit hosted jointly by CSP/Agri SA and FAWU now being rolled out Small Business Anti-Robbery Strategy finalised and approved FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY 10 ChallengesMitigation of Challenges Readiness of municipalities to implement CSFs SALGA agreed to facilitate municipal engagements on CSF implementation and provincial departments facilitating implementation of policy and providing resources Dysfunctional Dev Coms/JCPS structures at Provincial level National Dev Com engaged and all provinces being visited Absence of common CPF training Programme National training Committee established
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE POLICY & RESEARCH 1. Policy The Green Paper on Policing was approved for public comment by Cabinet & provincial consultations were held between June & August All submissions were considered & the drafting of the White Paper on Policing commenced Consultation and research completed for Use of Force Policy. Currently at drafting phase Finalised responses for the detective dialogue & presented to the Portfolio Committee on Police Commenced with drafting a Detection Policy 2. Research An assessment of crimes in rural areas (3 provinces) was conducted and a report was developed (Special project) Finalized together with Provincial Secretariats, Rural Safety project proposal and questionnaires International conference being finalized for early 2014 and study tour at end Resource Information Centre Installation of the Library cataloguing system Police legislation database developed All reports relating to policing dealt with in Parliament were collated 11
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE POLICY & RESEARCH 12 ChallengesMitigation of Challenges Timeframes allocated for completion of Green Paper on Policing public consultations exceeded desired timeline Due consideration to be given to timeframes arising out of developing comprehensive policies Costing for gazetting & advertising Green Paper exceeded allocated budget Due consideration to be given to costing arising out of developing comprehensive policies Progress with Provincial Secretariats on Rural safety project hampered due to capacity constraints Liaise with provincial officials on significance of capacity issues, timely submissions & delivery Cooperation from SAPS on Detectives Dialogue initially poor Work at building relationship with SAPS
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE LEGISLATION Finalisation of the Dangerous Weapons Bill Introduced Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2012 Finalised and presented to Parliament the policy on Selection of Offences for DPCI Tabled National Instructions on Fingerprint Legislation Finalised with Provinces Regulations for the Secretariats Tabled the Protection from Harassment National Instructions Conducted a diagnostic assessment of Review of South African Police Service Act 13
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE LEGISLATION FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY 14 ChallengesMitigation of Challenges Unit not fully capacitatedFinal post to be filled by 1 November 2013 Capacity in drafting of legislationTraining being undertaken Delays in presentation of legislationMore realistic planning of legislation
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE MONITORING & EVALUATION 1. Police Performance 117 oversight visits based on the National Monitoring Tool (NMT) were conducted instead of the 110 planned (the figure excludes Q2 visits). A trends analysis report based on the visits was produced. An analysis of the SAPS 2014/15 APP was produced. Phase I of the Frontline Service Delivery project was undertaken. 94 of the 100 sampled police stations were visited. Phase II (follow-up visits) will be conducted during this quarter and the final report is due by the end of the 2013/14 fy. 2. Police Conduct 254 service delivery complaints were handled and an analysis thereof compiled. Established a working group to develop a complaints management system for the organization Facilitated the implementation of IPID recommendations through a joint forum comprising of SAPS, IPID and CSP Analysis of the quality of IPID recommendations conducted 3. Compliance 61 DVA Audits were conducted for Q1. Reports for Q2 are due by 18 October The DVA report to Parliament was compiled and presented to the Portfolio Committee on Police and the National Council of Provinces. A dialogue on Improved police response towards safe, violent free communities for women and girls was held with civil society and government departments. 15
CIVILIAN SECRETARIAT FOR POLICE MONITORING & EVALUATION 4. Evaluations Finalisation of the evaluation of the Resolving of Crime (ROC) report Developed TORs and tools for the following evaluations: Quasi-experimental evaluation of ROC Implementation evaluation of SAPS Garages – Outsourcing FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY 16 ChallengesMitigation of Challenges Access to informationEngagements with the SAPS and IPID Strengthen planning processes Delays in the establishment of the NMETTender awarded and the system is expected to be deployed by the end of the 2013/14 fy.