Art And Culture in Heian Chapter 8; Section 2
Japanese Nobles Create Great Art A bunch of nobles who lived near the emperor in Heian made an imperial court, a group of nobles who live together, or near each other. Because these nobles loved art and were great artists the imperial court became a center of learning.
Fashion Nobles mostly wore silk robes and lots of jewelry made of pure gold. Women also wore long gowns and they would usually hold a small fan in their hand.
Literature Many women had a diary, they would write about their lives and other stories. And men liked to write poetry, in Chinese, because it helped them focus. great writer is Lady Murasaki Shikibu. S he is the author of the Tale of Genji, the first novel ever, and maybe the best. Many people enjoyed reading , especially each others poetry. .
Visual Art The most famous art in Japan was painting, calligraphy, and architecture. Their paintings were about life and stories about life. There was also other arts like their literature.
Architecture Japan had great architecture.. Their building were built with wood, and tiled roofs.
Performing Arts In Japan drama and art was popular. People loved to go watch shows of singers, or performers In the 1300 hundreds a more serious drama was created, Noh. Noh is a play that combines music, speaking, and dance.
Buddhism Changes In Japan people followed many religions, but for real everybody didn’t know what exactly the religion was. They would do the religion their own ways, that the good ones became popular. And a new form of Buddhism was created Religion was like art in Japan, they liked its ways mostly.
Assessment Question 1 1. a. Japan’s court moved to Heian b. The reason the 800’s and the 1100’s are the golden age for Japan is because during those times many accomplishments and great things were achieved. c. No, the women in Heian were always being bossed around and everything was strict, but the other women were at least honored for their work.
Assessment Question 2 2. a . The two forms of Buddhism that were developed in Japan is Pure Land and Zen/ b. Nobles mostly followed Shinto or Buddhism, while others believed in something else or changed the religions up a little. c. It’s ways must’ve just been great. Maybe lots of people just liked it.
Assessment Question 3 Literature The first, and best novel was written by a Japanese lady. The novel is called ‘the Tale of Genji Also other great books were written but there were great books about poems as well, which include stories about people’s life.