ANSWER 1 He conquered most of the ancient world from Asia Minor to Egypt and India, which began the Hellenistic culture which was a blending of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian influences.
1a Alexander the Great
2 ANSWER President of Egypt between 1970 and He was assassinated by Islamic fundamentalists for making peace with Israel
2a Anwar al-Sadat
3 ANSWER President of the Palestine National Authority and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Considered by many to be a terrorist, he has in recent years been accepted as the legitimate authority to speak for the Palestinians. His goals is to create a homeland for the displaced Palestinians.
3a Yasir Arafat
4 ANSWER Nomadic warriors from Central Asia who migrated into India around 1500 BCE. They are responsible for many aspects of current Indian culture including their language, sacred texts called the Vedas, and a system of government that later evolved into the caste system.
4a Aryans
5 ANSWER Nationalist leader of Turkey who is responsible for modernizing and westernizing his country after World War I. This enabled Turkey to resist imperialist attempts at takeover by various European powers.
5a Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
6 ANSWER First emperor of Rome (27 BCE – 14 CE) He restored order and prosperity to the Empire after nearly a century of turmoil. Grandnephew to Julius Caesar.
6a Caesar Augustus
7 ANSWER Islamic religious leader who led a fundamentalist revolution in Iran in Ruled until 1989.
7a Ayatollah Khomeini
8 ANSWER Enlightenment thinker from France who wrote a book called, The Spirit of the Laws in He states that government should divide itself according to its powers, creating a Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branch.
8a Baron de Montesquieu
9 ANSWER First Prime Minister of Israel.
9a David Ben-Gurion
10 ANSWER Latin American revolutionary responsible for the ousting of Spain from much of South America during the 19th century.
10a Simón Bolívar
11 ANSWER Early name of communists during the Russian Revolution of 1917
11a Bolshevik
12 ANSWER Emperor of the French. Responsible for many French Revolution reforms as well as conquering most of Europe.
12a Napoleon Bonaparte
13 ANSWER Leader of the Soviet Union from 1964 to During his control of the Soviet Union, relations with the West, as well as the Soviet economy, experienced a long period of stagnation.
13a Leonid Brezhnev
14 ANSWER Roman general and statesman. He is responsible for setting up the imperial system in Rome which placed his grandnephew, Augustus, on the throne.
14a Julius Caesar
15 ANSWER French Cardinal and politician responsible for instituting absolutist practices in France
15a Cardinal Richelieu
16 ANSWER Leader of the Cuban Revolution and communist dictator of Cuba.
16a Fidel Castro
17 ANSWER An enlightened despot who ruled over Russia. She is responsible for many positive changes in Russia, as well as securing the country a warm water port.
17a Catherine the Great
18 ANSWER British politician and Prime Minster of Great Britain from 1940 to 1945, and 1951 to He is regarded as the finest British leader of the 20th century and was instrumental in leading Britain to victory during World War II.
18a Sir Winston Churchill
19 ANSWER He believed that the only cure for China’s social disorder was to stress a sense of social order and mutual respect, a philosophy that later became known as Confucianism.
19a Confucius
20 ANSWER Leader of the English Revolution that deposed the Stuart monarchs in favor of a short lived Republic.
20a Oliver Cromwell
21 ANSWER He was overthrown during the Russian Revolution of 1917.
21a Czar Nicholas II
22 ANSWER The white South African president who ended Apartheid in the early 1990s.
22a F.W. de Klerk
23 ANSWER Latin American revolutionary. He is one of the main leaders of the Latin American independence movement
23a Jose de San Martín
24 ANSWER Chinese Communist leader. Ruled from 1978 until 1997
24a Deng Xiaoping
25 ANSWER Queen of England and Ireland between 1558 and She was an absolute monarch and is considered to be one of the most successful rulers of all time.
25a Elizabeth I