Prime Minister Modi of India hugs president Obama for India’s safety Current events by: Laurent Sainte Marie
Backstory of Event 8 years ago, India signed up for the quadrilateral security dialogue, an experiment that included Australia, Japan and U.S., but not China. But it did not last long. Before the first meeting, China sent diplomatic protests to the members of the dialogue. Soon the countries left and the idea died, leaving India without American military support. But now, Modi seems to be trying to revive the idea to get better military infrastructure.
Who Prime minister of India, Narendra Modi President of the United States, Barack Obama
What Just moments after, Obama and his family got off their plane, Modi hugged Barack, something he only does to other leaders who he considers trusted partners.
Where In New Delhi, moments off Obama’s plane, India.
When The hug in New Delhi happened January 25, 2015.
Why Mr. Modi has been known to hug other leaders whom he considers trusted partners: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and more recently, Prime Minister Tony Abbot of Australia. So, he considers Obama as a trusted partner.
Opinion I believe this is a good thing because if the plan works, then India will not be as vulnerable. Also, the United states, India, Australia, and Japan may start the alliance again and the U.S. will therefore have strong alliances.
Reflection of opinion Another reason I believe it’s a good thing is because I think that Barrack Obama is a good president and he makes good choices so this may be one and something we won’t regret later on.
Another Opinion Some people might not think this is a good thing, because China might be intimidated and retaliate, starting a war. Some people might be influenced also because it has failed 8 years ago in 2007 and if it fails again it could be a waste of time, money, and resources. Also no one wants to have a war with any powerful country, even with powerful alliances.
Sources “Modi and Obama, Hugging for India’s Security” by: Ellen Barry, New York Times, Jan. 27, 2015, obama-hugging-for-indias-security.html obama-hugging-for-indias-security.html “Quadrilateral Security Dialogue”, Wikipedia, read on Feb. 1, 2015, _Dialogue _Dialogue