Theories and Stages SAC 1
WHY Separated SACs: one mid term one end of term Content will be less heavy at the end of the year
TASK You will be required to deliver a presentation to ‘parents’ about language acquisition at a parenting seminar. Your presentation should include: THEORIES STAGES A TRANSCRIPT: that demonstrates your understanding of theories and the stages- an example of a child interacting or using language when discussing theories or stages Use IPA for sound representation only
Things to cover… What sounds can they make? Why do they make errors? What role does the parent have? Why does the child use soundless communication? During the two word stage: no phrases, but they are classified as sentences, not inflections: ing, ed Over generalise because…. What is normal acquisition? What is the critical period? Why do children learn language? What about the brain? Questions it raises…..
Basic presentations outline: Opening: addressing parents Nature of language acquisition Not all children learn the same Modals of language acquisition: i.e. why they develop language (Halliday) [ Theories/ Stages/ Examples] Advice
BE creative! You will present to the class like a seminar Use visuals Shape your language accordingly Approach it creatively- this is not an essay. You are teaching parents who are expecting or have a newly born child.
What you have to produce Visual aid for presentation: Prezzie, PowerPoint: visuals and minimum words Something for parents to take away: Brochure Guide booklet Webpage Mobile Game Cards Toys Picture book
Preparation- Note sheets TIME IN CLASS to work on notes (3 pages) that you can bring into the Sac AT HOME: put together your notes and materials, practice putting it together BUT be realistic! Create something you can do in 100 minutes.
DUE: week 3 TUESDAY Double 100 mins: putting it together Can only bring in: Sac note sheet Craft materials: coloured paper, glue, pictures, posters PowerPoint/ Prezzie: you may have slides and headings ready Images must be save prior on a word document or presentation document. Not allowed to access the internet. Present Thursday lunch (4 students) and period 5 (6 students) and Friday and after school (remaining students)