Chapter 2
The Nile Valley The Nile River Basin Egypt The Nile River 4,000 mile long Blue Nile, White Nile Cataracts Delta Sahara The Nile People Floods Fertile soil Irrigation Shadoof
The Nile Valley Continued… Land Surveying Papyrus Hieroglyphics Egypt United Civilization forms Irrigation system, roads, surplus grain Irrigation system Village Chiefs Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt Combined Kingdom Narmer (Menes) Memphis Dynasty Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom
Hieroglyphs at the Memphis museum with Ramses II statue on the back. Artist's depiction of the western forecourt of the Great Temple of Ptah at Memphis.
The Nile Valley Continued… Early Egyptian Life Egyptian social classes Upper, Middle, Lower Family life
Old Kingdom Old Kingdom (2600 B.C.E. – 2300 B.C.E.) Pharaohs Religion Deities Re Hapi Isis Osiris Book of the Dead Afterlife
The mystical Spell 17, from the Papyrus of Ani. The vignette at the top illustrates, from left to right, the god Heh as a representation of the Sea; a gateway to the realm of Osiris; the Eye of Horus; the celestial cow Mehet-weret; and a human head rising from a coffin, guarded by the four Sons of Horus.
Old Kingdom continued… Embalming Mummy Medicine Pyramids Calendar Mathematics The Great Pyramid King Khufu Giza
The Edwin Smith Papyrus documents ancient Egyptian medicine, including the diagnosis and treatment of injuries.
Egyptian Empire Middle Kingdom (2050 B.C.E. – 1670 B.C.E) From Memphis to Thebes Expansion Nubia, Syria Tribute Art Valley of the Kings Hyksos Ahmose
Egyptian Empire Continued… The New Kingdom (1550 B.C.E – 1080 B.C.E) Hatshepsut Trade (Incense) Thutmose III Expansion (Nubia, Mesopotamia) War Captives Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) Amenhotep Nefertiti Religious reform Tutankhamen (King Tut) Howard Carter Ramses II Temple of Karnak Decline…