Life Cycle Assessment: automobile steel case study in Brazil Authors: Cássia Maria Lie Ugaya Arnaldo César da Silva Walter
Life cycle Aim and scope definition Inventory analysis Impact analysis Improvement
Product, process or activity identification Product, process or activity identification System definition Region and period Pollutants identification Functional unit Aim and scope definition Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S.
Collect and store data Collect and store data Allocation Inventory Analysis Sensibility analysis
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Impact Analysis Classification Characterization Valoration
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Case study Preliminary evaluation LCA
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Preliminary evaluation Automobile life cycle Materials extraction Materials fabrication and automobile assembling Automobile use Discard (recycling) Industry action
Product, process or activity identification Product, process or activity identification System definition Region and period Pollutants identification Functional unit Aim and scope definition Ugaya, C.M.L. anda Walter, A.C.S.
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Product definition Steel in automobiles
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. System definition Primary production Secondary production Use
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Region and period definition 1999
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Environmental aspects - Inputs Process Iron ore Scrap Fe Clay Mineral coal Biomass (coal) Diesel Fuel oil Electricity Water Manganese ore Dolomite Zinc Water
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Environmental aspects - Outputs Process Air Particulate matter NH 3 CO 2 CO NO x HC SO x MnO SiO 2 P 2 O 5 Pb Water Solid residues
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Functional unit Steel Replaceble 263 kg
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Sensibility analysis Allocation ProprietyPhysical: mass Inventory Analysis LCPhases 10% Allocation Collection and storage
Collect InputsDatabases: government and associations CombustionTheoretical OutputsQuestionnaires and interviews: industries and associations Storage Spreadsheets Data collection and storage
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Inventory Analysis Fabrication SO x emissions(worst case scenario)1% de S CO, MnO, P 2 O 5 e SiO 2 Oxidation Utilization km Energy consumption: average estimatives (alcohol + gasoline) Pollutant emissions: average estimatives (data from RMSP) Deterioration factor Discard Average brazilian steel recycling 25%
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Interpretation
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Interpretation
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Interpretation
Ugaya, C.M.L. and Walter, A.C.S. Sensibility Analysis