Of Saresolis
The majority of the city council divides canditates into comittees. The majority shall pronounce the major of the city. The city council shall contain 31 members Jón gnarr – comedian and the major of Reykjavík. Reykjavík’s City Hall
The right to vote. The right to have numerous options on who to vote for. The right to leave the ballot empty.
Authority ↕ Major ↕ City council ↕ Comittees ↙↘ Employment - social - sports and leisure - Culture and travel - Education and environmental committees.
of the city
When building a political plan you must think about avoiding corruption. By that we mean that nobody can bypass laws. The City Coincil decides who will be in the committees that control certain city related issues. Iceland’s parliament - Alþingi
The Employment committee is a committee for employment advices. They help the city council deal with employment related tasks. The main goal should be to minimize the unemployment rate in the city.
The Social committee is responsible for any tasks ranging from: equal rights housing senior citizens child protection tee. The committee manages day care in homes, any implementations of the child protection laws and laws about the disabled and seniors issues. It also takes care of the homes for the elderly’s and manages related issues.
The Sports- and leisure committee is the committe that controls public places such as swimmingpools, footballclubs, community centers etc. And sets rules and requirements for sports or leisure related jobs.
The Culture- and travel committee gives advices to any cultural or travel related tasks. The committee assists the promotion and running of the city’s hostels and turist business. It also takes care of information flow and market promotions.
The Education- and school committee sets all school and education rules. Such as curriculum, minimum time of teaching for each student, etc. Also manages daycare, elemantary schools, kindagarden and colleges. Collage of Iceland
The Environmental committee solves legitimate projects environmentally related. For example: Recycling trash We will discuss environmental laws later on.
With theese committees we would be able collectively to organize and run a city. Each committee takes care of determined subjects. Relying on the leadership of the city counsil.