Theoretically the word ``invention´´ means the product of someone´s imagination which is implemented. However today thanks to the imagination of some people we can have an ``easy´´ life. Inventions of the 17 th and 18 th century have made our lives (in the 21th century) comfortable and, in a way, simple and that´s why they are so important for us and our planet.
When I was 9 years old, my friends and I wanted to ``invent´´ something which would be friendly to the environment. So we thought of inventing a small car that could move by consuming energy from the sun and not carbon dioxide, so that it wouldn´t harm the environment. Of course, we didn´t manage to invent such a thing but it was fun!
I know some famous inventors who I admire for what they have done for humanity. Some of them are Thomas Edison who invented electricity, Alexander Graham Bell with telephone, Alexander Fleming who helped medicine by inventing penicillin and the Right Brothers who invented the aeroplane.
To my mind, the most important inventor if all times is Alexander Graham Bell, With his invention millions of people managed, and still have the ability, to come closer even if there are millions of miles between them. Taking all above into consideration, our lives would have been completely different if these people hadn´t considered inventing things.
However today we have the opportunity to enjoy a life which will presumably change in the next 50 years. Let´s hope that this change will be as effective as this of our ancestor inventors.