Why We Created This System How Much Can you Make?? Why Will Our System Work?
Why We Created This System We love Network Marketing. Incredible, Powerful Model For business but 95% of people in it are BROKE! We felt there is a better way to approach Earning $$$ In the MLM Industry and we set out to create that here You must have loyalty to create success today; too Many opportunities, and too many people MLM-Hop! “The Grass is Greener where we Water it!” We created this system to TEACH network marketing to Newbies, but also to give Vets a Home to Grow a TEAM! Our goal is to create Professionals, who earn Professional Money
How Much Can You Make?? We define Professional Income as $60k/year… In our System you can earn Unlimited Residual Income! We want to help you get to at least $1,000/mo in 3 months, and $10,000/mo in your first 2-3 Years … $10 Social Network 3x5 example = $336/mo 5x5 example = $3,900/mo 10x5 example = $100,000/mo $10 Internet Marketing System 2x14 Forced Matrix.25/person 3,900 x.25 = $975/mo Only 16,000 fit into the matrix Maxes out at $8,000/mo BUT You get lots of Bonuses & also Matching Residual Checks! $20 “Benefits Business” 5x5 example = $2,700/mo Unlimited Income Potential too... $10,000/mo !
Why Will Our System Work? Because it’s about the Team, not the Company … Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Stream 6 Stream X Our Income is NOT Tied to a Company or Program Our Income is Tied to our Loyalty to Each Other Our Income is Tied to our NETWORK! Our TEAM!! Get CONNECTED with our Team Today!
Getting Started with Our System 1. Register Choose a Username and Password 100% Free To Register for Our System 2. Decide to be a Customer if you’re “not sure” about our Team yet By Signing up for Our Required FREE Level Programs, which will UNLOCK our Powerful MLM Training – for Customers 3. OR you can Decide to become a Team Member (our first Ranking Position) By Signing up for All Of our FREE Level Programs And the $10 Level (or higher) Then Start Aiming for our Earned Ranks 4. We Have Leadership Ranks that You can Achieve as a Team Member of TopNetworkersGroup! 6. USE our 1mlmsystem To GROW your Team, and your Network – Positioning you and your Business Partners to earn Multiple Streams of Income – TOGETHER – Professional Money – TOGETHER!!! 7. Finally Don’t QUIT!! - “Connect Learn Share Earn!” Follow these steps to success!! 5. These Earned Ranks Will tell us who’s Loyal to the Team, as Leaders will Identify themselves through Production. Our Ranks range from Team Director, to Regional Vice President – Our RVP’s will average A Minimum of $10,000 Per Month and More coming from Several Opportunities – Our Team will have The Most Stable Incomes In the MLM Industry for Decades to Come – and You’re Invited to join us NOW!