The Prevention of the French Revolution By: Gerrie O’Brien
Background Information Took place between Absolute Monarchy Louis XVI National Assembly Trial and death of Louis XVI Robespierre Reign of Terror
Questions to be Answered… How could the French Revolution have been prevented? What made Louis XVI such an unsuccessful leader? Why did not have a successful outcome as the British and Americans did? Why, during a time period of enlightened thinkers, was the outcome of the revolution so fatal and disastrous?
Thesis If Louis XVI had learned from the British Civil War and American Revolution, embraced enlightened thought, and reformed to the middle class, the French Revolution could have been prevented.
Lessons Learned from the British Civil War and the American Revolution Britain’s absolute monarchy and semi-parliament Charles I in power and had every intention of keeping it He improved many things within Britain Unpopular because of raising taxes and strong religious influence Turmoil with military and government = beheaded America’s problems with Britain Salutary Neglects America Raises an army Royalists vs. Roundheads America drafts a constitution
Influence of Enlightened Thinkers France embraced this new way of thinking Enlightenment was thought of more than just a philosophy, but a brand new era of hope, freedom, and education Enlightenment focuses on reason and morality Became popular in the 18 th century Pulled out of a long period of darkness, strict religion, and superstition Rights of man
Louis XVI and his inability to reform to the middle class Louis taxes aristocrats and middle class Middle class always overlooked in voting The middle class had more representatives than the first two classes combined Middle class fears that Louis XVI is not supportive Middle Class storms Bastille and holds the fate of France in their own hands
Counter Arguments King Louis XVI did not have the power to reform People were tired of absolute monarchy Louis walked into a very flawed system which he took the blame for
Sources Bennett, Jessica. Associated Content Mar Dowling, Mike., "The Electronic Passport to the French Revolution," available from Internet; updated Wednesday, May 1, 2002 Plant, David. British Civil Wars, Commonwealth, and Protectorate. 7 Mar Mar The History Guide. 13 May Mar Web Gallery of Art. Web Gallery of Art Mar