You Take Too Much Upon Yourselves Numbers 16:3
Background Numbers 16 Certain prominent Israelites rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron (vv. 1-3; see Num. 12:1-15) [note the subtle argument in v.3] The Lord would decide the matter (vv. 4-7, 15-19) Some were not content with what the Lord had given them (vv. 8-11)
Background Numbers 16 Some of the rebels would not cooperate (vv ) The people were told to separate themselves from the rebels (vv ) The rebels were punished by death (vv )
Background Numbers 16 What happened here became a “sign” for all future generations (vv ; see Deut. 11:6; Num. 26:9-10) What can we learn from this story? Some today are saying… “You take too much upon you” (KJV, ASV) “You take too much upon you” (KJV, ASV) “You have gone far enough” (NASV) “You have gone far enough” (NASV) “You have gone too far!” (NIV) “You have gone too far!” (NIV)
You Take Too Much Elders have ruling authority over the church “Elders can lead by example, but they have gone too far when they rule over the church and control the lives of the members.” “Elders can lead by example, but they have gone too far when they rule over the church and control the lives of the members.” Elders have authority to rule over the church (1 Pet. 5:2; Heb. 13:17) Elders have authority to rule over the church (1 Pet. 5:2; Heb. 13:17)
You Take Too Much Male leadership only “God has given women the talent to speak as well as men. Men have gone too far when they say they are the only ones who can preach.” “God has given women the talent to speak as well as men. Men have gone too far when they say they are the only ones who can preach.” Preaching and other authoritative roles are confined to men (1 Tim. 2:11-14) Preaching and other authoritative roles are confined to men (1 Tim. 2:11-14)
You Take Too Much Acappella singing only, or the Lord’s Supper on Sunday only “Singing is fine, but you have gone to far when you exclude instrumental music. The Lord’s supper on Sunday is fine, but you have gone too far when you exclude members from taking it on other days.” “Singing is fine, but you have gone to far when you exclude instrumental music. The Lord’s supper on Sunday is fine, but you have gone too far when you exclude members from taking it on other days.” Acappella singing only (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) and the “first day of the week” Lord’s supper only (Acts 20:7) is from God Acappella singing only (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) and the “first day of the week” Lord’s supper only (Acts 20:7) is from God
You Take Too Much Members of the church of Christ are the only ones going to heaven “There are good Christians in all denominations, and you have gone to far to say that members of the church of Christ are the only ones who will be saved.” “There are good Christians in all denominations, and you have gone to far to say that members of the church of Christ are the only ones who will be saved.” Only the saved will be saved; only faithful followers of Jesus are the saved (Mt. 7:21; Acts 2:47; 4:12; Eph. 5:23) Only the saved will be saved; only faithful followers of Jesus are the saved (Mt. 7:21; Acts 2:47; 4:12; Eph. 5:23)
Remember! Rebelling against authority is sin, and is punishable by death (Num. 16:31-35) Authority to act in religion comes from God, not self (Num. 16:28) Murmuring against the punishment is sin, and punishable by death (Num. 16:41-50) God will settle the matter with his word (Num. 17:1-13)
Why This Problem? There is a “Korah” in the Lord’s church today (Jude 11) Why? Envy (Psa. 106:16-18). Many want what they are not authorized to have! Let us be content to submit to God’s plan and God’s authority