People Dates Colonies TermsMisc
This explorer subdued the Aztecs around 1521?
Hernándo Cortés
This woman was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for her religious views? She later set up a new colony in what would become Rhode Island.
Anne Hutchinson
This person delivered the speech “A Model of Christian Charity” to his fellow shipmates in 1630?
John Winthrop
This Spanish explorer discovered Florida for Spain in 1513?
Ponce de León
This Indian leader allegedly spared John Smith’s life at the request of his daughter?
This was the year that the Pilgrims on the Mayflower founded Plymouth Colony?
In this year Popé lead the Pueblos in rebellion against the Spanish?
This was the year that Jamestown was founded?
This was the year that African slaves were first imported into what would become the United States?
This was the year that St. Augustine, the oldest European- founded city in the present day United States was founded by the Spanish?
This colony was created by uniting smaller colonies founded by dissenters from the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Rhode Island
This colony was named after Elizabeth I?
This colony _____, was originally named _____ by the Dutch before the English renamed it after the King’s brother?
New York New Netherland
This colony was a proprietary colony granted to help pay off the king’s debts, it was considered a “holy experiment” by its founder?
This was a proprietary colony granted to George Calvert (and later his son Cecil Calvert)?
One of the Spaniards who traveled to the Americas as an explorer and conquered Native Americans in the 16 th century?
A system in which Spanish authorities granted colonial landlords the service of Native Americans as forced laborers?
Encomienda System
A person who has contracted to work for someone else for a set period of time, often in exchange for travel expenses, shelter, and food.
Indentured Servant
Spanish settlers, mostly men, who were born in Spain but moved to the New World. They were considered the top of Spanish colonial society.
The Virginia Company’s policy of granting 50 acres of land to each settler and to each family member who accompanied him?
Headright System
This group of people wanted to purify the Church of England of Catholic traditions?
A conflict between the years between New England colonists and Native Americans under the command of Metacom?
King Philip’s War
This man is credited with saving Jamestown for implementing the philosophy of “he that will not work, shall not eat”?
John Smith
This man attacked Native Americans in Virginia and then lead a rebellion against Governor Berkeley in 1676?
Nathaniel Bacon
Spanish priests gathered Native Americans into large communities in New Mexico called?